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单词 不义之财

不义之财bù yì zhī cái

an ill-gotten treasure (/wealth); crooked money; dishonest (/ill-gotten)gains; filthy lucre; fortune gained in evil ways;illegally gotten wealth; money (/wealth)obtained by dubious (/ill) means; pelf; the mammon of unrighteousness; unrighteous (/wicked) treasure
❍ 这北京生辰纲是~,取之何碍(《水浒全传》176) This gift to be sent to Beijing is an ill-gotten treasure and if we seize it what harm is there?/小弟想此一套是~,取之何碍! (《水浒全传》159) As for me,I consider this fortune is one gained in evil ways and if we take it what harm is there?/此等~,取之何得? (《水浒全传》163) How can we seize this illegally gotten wealth?/如今欲要请你们去商议,聚几个好汉,向山凹僻静去处,取此一套富贵~,大家图个一世快活。(《水浒全传》173) For this you are asked to come together to talk and to gather together a few good fellows and go into a lonely valley and seize this unrighteous treasure.Thus,each seizing his share,we will all be happy forever.


ill-gotten gains


ill-gotten wealth(or gains)
侵略扩张得到的是~,最终还要吐出来。What a country gets from aggression and expansion is ill-gotten gains which it will have to disgorge eventually.

不义之财bù yì zhī cái

不是用正当手段获得的财物。ill--gotten wealth, ill-gotten gains, the mammon of unrighteousness





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