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单词 不了了之

不了了之bù liǎo liǎo zhī

allow sth to remain unresolved; (of a case) be indefinitely closed;conclude without a conclusion; end up in nothing definite; leave sth unsettled (/pending/in status quo); let the question drop,let that flea (/fly) stick to the wall; settle a matter by leaving it unsettled;shelve the matter; smother up
❍ 我这个 “案子”,既是“死无对证”,只好~。(陶承《我的一家》43) …and since my "case' was one that "lacked living witnesses," it was indefinitely closed.
❍ 就这样空空洞洞地说了一阵,并没有涉及到案情本身,就喊退堂。刘复基由冯少竹派人送交报馆,季交恕他们这一起,也由他派人送交了武昌那边的湖南会馆。就如此~。(李六如 《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—170) Thus the trial ended up without so much as mentioning the case itself. From then on Feng Shaozhu took over and saw to it that Liu Fuji was taken back to his newspaper office while Jiaoshu and the rest of the men were turned over to the Hunanese Association at Wuchang. The case was then quietly closed.


let things take their natural course;end up by letting the matter drop;be shelved in the end

不了了之bù liǎo liǎo zhī

没有把事办完就算了结。end up with nothing definite, shelve the matter, let the question drop, settle a matter by leaving it unsettled





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