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单词 截长补短

截长补短绝长补短;绝长续短jié cháng bǔ duǎn

take(/cut off) from the long to add to the short; draw on the strenght of each to offset the weakness of the other
❍ 然漶漫不可收拾,乃同友人细加厘剔,~,钞成全部,复为镌板以公同好。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》203) Since the manuscript was in very poor condition,a friend and I made careful emendations,cutting out what was repetitious and filling in gaps before having the whole recopied
❍ 今滕绝长补短,将五十里也,犹可以为善国. (《孟子·滕文公上》) Now,Teng taking its length with its breadth,will amount,I suppose,to fifty li. It is small,but still sufficient to make a good kingdom.

截长补短jie chang bu duan

take from the long to add to the short

截长补短截(绝)jié chánɡ bǔ duǎn

把长的部分切下来,补接在短的部分上。 比喻取长补短,弥补不足。take from the long to add to the short, make up a deficiency by a surplus, make up for each other’s deficiencies





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