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单词 不为五斗米折腰

不为五斗米折腰bù wèi wǔ dǒu mǐ zhé yāo

notmake (/bob/drop) curtsies for the salary of five bushels of rice—sick of official life; not bend the back(/bow low) for five dou of rice; not stoop for half a picul of rice
❍ 宁可饿死,也不能为五斗米折腰。(杨沫《青春之歌》41) I would rather starve than bow low for five dou of rice. 〔Five dou of rice,the equivalent of five pecks,was the salary of a small official in ancient China. The reference is to Tao Yuanming,a Jin Dynasty poet (365—427) who preferred to live simply on his farm rather than submit to the authorities.〕/陶渊明~,咱却为了一百斤粮食受尽了李昌的气,嗯! (丁玲《太阳照在桑干河上》21) Tao Yuanming would not stoop for half a picul of rice,but for one hundred catties of grain I have to put up with Freckles Li’s insolence. Ugh!

不为五斗米折腰bu wei wu dou mi zhe yao

refuse to hold a petty office for a paltry salary

不为五斗米折腰bu wei wu dou mi zhe yao

refuse to hold a petty office for a paltry salary

不为五斗米折腰bù wèi wǔ dǒu mǐ zhé yāo

五斗米:指微薄的官俸。 比喻为人清高,有骨气。can’t make curtsies for the salary of five bushels of rice





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