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单词 荆棘载途

荆棘载途荆棘塞途jīng jí zài tú

a path(/track) overgrown with brambles—a path beset with difficulties.
❍ 虽然~,科学家们却决心披荆斩棘,攀登新高峰。Though they were taking a path beset with difficulties,the scientists were determined to hack their way through and scale new heights.
❍ 问什么荆棘塞途的老路,,寻什么乌烟瘴气的鸟导师。(鲁迅《华盖集》43) Why should you ask about the old tracks which are overgrown with brambles? Why should you look for those confounded old teachers?

荆棘载途jing ji zai tu

a path overgrown with brambles—a path beset with difficulties

荆棘载途jīnɡ jí zài tú

荆棘:指一种丛生的有刺的植物;载途:充满道路。比喻处境困难,障碍多。a path beset with difficulties, the path covering with grass and thorns





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