释义 |
草[艸]cǎoⅠ ❶ (茎柔软、生长期终了就枯死的野生植物的统称) grass: 青 ~ green grass; 药 ~ (medicinal) herb; 野 ~ weeds ❷ (指用作燃料、饲料等的稻、麦之类的茎和叶) straw: 稻 ~ rice straw;~ 堆 haystack;~ 绳 straw rope ❸ (草稿) draft: 起 ~ prepare [make out] a draft ❹ (文字书写形式的名称) rapid,cursive style of writing: 狂 ~ a highly cursive script; 章 ~ a simplified form of cursive script ❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 中 Cao Zhong Ⅱ ❶ (口语中指雌性家畜、家禽) female: ~ 马 mare ❷ (草率;不细致) careless;hasty;rough: 字写得很 ~。 The handwriting is very sloppy. ❸ (初步的;非正式的) drafted;not final: ~ 案 draft (of a plan,law,etc.) Ⅲ [书] (起草) draft: ~ 拟 draw up;draft; 起 ~ 文件 draft a document ◆草案 draft (of a plan,law,etc.);ground plan; 草包 (草袋) straw bag;straw sack;(无才能的人) idiot;blockhead;good-for-nothing;incapable person; 草本 herbaceous;herbal; 草编 straw plaited article; 草标(儿) straw attached to an article to indicate that it is on sale;a wisp of straw marking sth. for sale; 草草 carelessly;hastily; 草草了事 get throught a thing carelessly;do a thing carelessly;finish a job carelessly [roughly];get a job done any old way;get through with sth. any old way;patch up a business;rashly done; 草草收兵 withdraw troops in a hurry;declare the matter closed before it is thoroughly settled;beat a hasty retreat;hastily wind up the matter; 草叉 pitch-fork; 草场 meadow; 草虫 {美术} grass-and-insect painting;strawworm; 草创 start (an enterprise,etc.);start to establish or found; 草刺儿 insignificant trifle; 草地 meadow;meadowland;grassland;lea; 草垫(子) petate;pallet;straw matress; 草甸(子) {生态} marshy grassland;grassy marshland;meadow;pelouse; 草豆蔻 Alpinia katsumadai;Katsumadai seed; 草垛[堆] stack;haystack;hayrick; 草房 thatched cottage; 草肥 {农} weed fertilizer; 草稿 rough draft;draft;draught;manuscript; 草菇 Volvaria volvacea;straw mushroom; 草果 {植} Amomum tsao-ko; 草荒 farmland running to weeds;more weeds than crops; 草鸡 hen; 草菅人命 look upon human lives as if they were grass;trample people like mud and ashes;act with utter disregard for human life;have scanty [no] regard for human life;have complete disregard for human life — slaughter people;make light of the lives of the people;murder people in cold blood;treat human life as no more than grass;treat human life as if it were not worth a straw;treat people's lives with utter disregard;wanton destruction of human life; 草荐 palliasse;pallet; 草浆 straw pulp; 草芥 trifle;mere nothing; 草寇 robbers in the greenwood;bandits; 草捆 bale; 草兰 (兰) cymbidium;orchid; 草笠 straw hat; 草镰 grass sickle; 草料 forage;fodder;hay; 草蛉 Chrysopa perla;lacewing;lacewing fly;lacewinged fly; 草驴 female ass;female donkey; 草绿(色) grass green;prasinous;green; 草莽 a rank growth of grass;uncultivated land;wilderness; 草莽英雄 outlaws of the marshes;a freebooting hero;a hero of grass and swamp;a hero of the greenwood;greenwood hero;a hero of the bush;rough diamond [a diamond in the rough];草帽 straw hat; 草莓 {植} strawberry; 草昧 [书] the chaos at the beginning of the world;primitive;primeval; 草棉 Gossy pium herbaceum;Levant cotton;cotton plant; 草民 common herd;vulgar people; 草茉莉 four o'clock (flower);marvel-of-peru; 草木 grass and trees;vegetation;flora; 草木灰 plant ash; 草木皆兵 Every bush and tree looks like an enemy — state of extreme nervousness.;The grass and trees were thought to be the soldiers of the enemy.;apprehend danger in every sound;mistake every bush and tree for an enemy;see every bush and tree as an enemy;see an enemy behind every tree;be plagued by imaginary fears; 草木犀 {植} Melilotus suavcolen;sweet clover;clover; 草拟 roughhew;draw up;draft;rough in [out];草棚 thatched shack;straw shed; 草皮 turf;sod;sward; 草坪 lawn;sward;greensward;grass-plot; 草器 {工美} articles woven of straw;straw articles; 草签 initial; 草裙舞 Hawaiian dance;hula-hula; 草人 scarecrow; 草苫子 straw mat; 草绳 straw rope;grass rope;hay-band; 草石蚕 {植} Stachys sieboldii;Chinese artichoke; 草食动物 plant-eating animal;herbivore; 草书 (in Chinese calligraphy) characters executed swiftly and with strokes flowing together;rapid cursive style of writing;grass writing;running hand;cursive script;grass script; 草率 careless;perfunctory;rash;haste; 草率从事 do one's work in a careless manner;act rashly [in haste];act without due consideration;get a thing carelessly;do a job carelessly [perfunctorily];engage in anything hastily and without proper deliberation [rashly;perfunctorily];go about... casually;go it blind; 草酸 {有化} oxalic acid;oxalate; 草炭 (泥炭) turf; 草堂 humble cottage; 草体 (草书)见“草书” ;(拼音字母的手写体) running hand; 草头王 king of the bushes (a euphemism for bandit chief); 草图 draft;scheme;outline;sketch;diagrammatic drawing;preliminary sketch;rough draft;rough sketch;rude drawing;skeleton layout;sketch drawing;sketching;sketch map;sketch plan;thumbnail sketch; 草屋 hut; 草席 grassmat;petate;straw mat; 草鞋 straw sandals; 草写 script type of calligraphy;cursive hand;running hand; 草药 medicinal herbs;herb-medicine;herbal medicine; 草野 (民间) among the people;nongovernmental;(粗野鄙陋) superficial;shallow; 草鱼 grass carp; 草原 grasslands;steppe;prairie; 草约 draft treaty;draft agreement;protocol;ad referendum contract; 草泽 (低洼积水野草丛生的地方) grassy marsh;swamp;[书] (民间) the common people (as distinct from the governing class);among the people;nongovernmental;people to people; 草贼 robbers in the greenwood;bandits; 草纸 rough straw paper;coarse paper;toilet paper;{考古} {史} (古埃及的纸莎草纸) papyrus; 草籽[子] grass seed; 草字 (草书汉字) a Chinese characters written in the cursive hand;(谦称自己的别名) my humble style (name) |