释义 |
不动声色bù dòng shēng sègive (/show) no sign(of emotion); keep one’s feelings to oneself; keep a poker face;keep one’s countenance; not move a muscle; not turn a hair; not bat an eyelid; not betray(/reveal/show) one’s feelings; one’s face is expressionless (/registers nothing); remain calm(/serene/unmoved); shut one’s pan;with an impassive face; stay calm and collected ❍ 我怔了一下,忙悄悄地藏起来,然后回身送饭,尽力~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》 430) I was as tonished,but I hid it and turned round to hand out the food,trying hard to act naturally. ❍ 是关于冲突斗争的题材,乐山却像谈家常琐事一般~。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》349)Though he was talking of clashes and struggles,Le Shan’s voice was as unemotional as if he were talking about some everyday triviality. ❍ 她的活泼的眼珠,不停息地转动着, 惊异地、但又~地扫视着他们两个。(吴强《红日》230)Her lively eyes flashing restlessly this way and that,she scanned the two of them in surprise but without betraying her feelings. ❍ 然而他还是~,静静的坐下去,写起来。(鲁迅《故事新编》100) But without changing contenance,he sat down quietly and started writ ing. ❍ 李自成~地将手一摆,使几位将领退回原位。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—237) Li Zicheng,his face expres sionless,signed to his officers to return to their places. 不动声色bù dònɡ shēnɡ sè形容非常镇静。shut one’s pan, play possum, maintain one’s composure, stay calm and collected, not turn a hair, not bat an eyelid |