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单词 v out of
v out of
come out 对…达成一致意见
come out of 使……发展,呈现
drive out of 拜访;呼吁
drop out of 继续,进行
fall out/fall out of (注意力)集中于;以…为中心
get out 评论;解释
get out of 专心于;把注意力集中在
go out 决定;选定
go out of 取决于,视…而定;依靠,依赖;信赖,相信
grow out of 不同意,意见不一致
help out/help out of 以……为生
hurry out of 聚焦于;集中于;专注于
keep out/keep out of 坚持
look out of 继续
move out/move out of 住在…;生长在…;栖息在…;依靠某物生活;以…为主食
pop out of 继续移动,往前走
run out/run out of 为…动手术,对…施行手术
search out of 传授,传递
sell out/sell out of 穿上;拉扯
shut out/shut out of 信任,信赖(depend on);依赖;依仗;凭借
step out of 报道;(工作或职责上)汇报
take out/take out of 为…工作;供职
throw out of 打开
walk out/walk out of 承担;雇用;呈现(新面貌等)


come out
They wanted one child or another to come out and play.他们希望一个或另一个孩子出来玩。It takes science to have the photo come out clearly and art to make a photo that has a good design and expresses feeling.让照片清晰地呈现出来需要科学,而让照片具有良好的设计并表达情感则需要艺术。
come out of
The neighbors came out of their houses to see if we had a gas leak!邻居们从家里出来看我们是否有煤气泄漏!I was lucky and came out of the war without getting hurt.我很幸运,没有受伤。Yet what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of sharing difficulties.然而,我们后来发现,所有的礼物都是在分担困难的过程中产生的。
drive out of
One of the daughters has recently been driven out of school.其中一个女儿最近被赶出了学校。
drop out of
Dropping out of college.从大学辍学。
fall out/fall out of
Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.因为天气炎热,鸟儿从空中掉下来。
get out
Only two people got out--an old farmer with his dog, and a young woman.只有两个人逃了出来--一个带着狗的老农,和一个年轻女人。“This is all your fault, Katharine,” my father would insist when the cat got out or the dishwasher broke.这都是你的错,凯瑟琳,当猫跑出来或洗碗机坏了时,我父亲会坚持这样说。
get out of
After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing.出狱后,他去了纽约,继续写作。
go out
During the first week of his stay, he went out one day to do some shopping.在监狱的第一周,有一天他外出购物。
go out of
From which date were private cars allowed to go out of Wuhan?从哪一天起,私家车可以开出武汉?
grow out of
A few characters are used to create a single impression growing out of the theme.用几个字就能从主题中产生一个单一的印象。We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle.我们会静静地坐在一起,分别写出由火车汽笛声引发的诗歌或故事。
help out/help out of
They follow the rules, help out, and are concerned about the people they work with.他们遵守规则,乐于助人,关心身边的人。A good neighbor is also one who likes to help out in small ways.好邻居也是喜欢在小事上提供帮助的人。If you can’t make the official office hours, most professors are willing to make individual appointments to help you out.如果您不能参加正式的办公时间,大多数教授都愿意为您提供个别帮助。The normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over.历史上的正常情况是从帮助家族企业到接管家族企业的平稳过渡。He was rushing back to help them out of poverty (贫困).他赶回来帮助他们摆脱贫困。It helps the country out of natural disasters.帮助国家摆脱自然灾害。
hurry out of
I washed and shaved, then hurried out of the house.我洗了脸,刮了胡子,然后匆匆走出家门。
keep out/keep out of
It was cut long, to let in as much light as possible, and narrow, to keep out the bad weather.它被剪得很长,以便尽可能多地透光,而且很窄,以便遮挡恶劣天气。If you've got children in the house, it's always best to keep medicines of any kind out of their reach.如果家里有孩子,最好不要让他们接触到任何药品。
look out of
Even if we simply looked out of the car windows at baby pigs following their mother, or fish leaping out of the water, it was better than the best ride down the freeway.即使我们只是从车窗外看着小猪跟在妈妈后面,或者鱼儿跃出水面,也比在高速公路上乘坐最好的汽车要好。
move out/move out of
I was old enough to move out on my own.我长大了,可以自己搬出去住了。They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes.他们搬出了城里的公寓,买了自己的房子。
pop out of
As he walked the long hallway, some popped out of line to hug him.当他走在长长的走廊上时,一些人跳出来拥抱他。
run out/run out of
Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem—their phosphate (磷酸盐) was running out.很快,人们意识到了一个可怕的问题--他们的磷酸盐正在耗尽。We will never run out of wave power.我们的波浪能永远不会枯竭。
search out of
However, at this point, I decided it was too late to turn back and search him out of the crowd behind me.然而,此时此刻,我决定回头把他从我身后的人群中找出来已经太晚了。
sell out/sell out of
Now many gardens across the country have been sold out for several months.现在,全国许多花园的门票已售罄数月。The festival has completely sold out of tickets, and in record time.本届园艺节的门票也在创纪录的时间内全部售罄。
shut out/shut out of
In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor.在自然状态下,头顶上伸展的树枝遮住了阳光,阻碍了森林地面上植物的生长。Wrongly taken as the apple of Eden, the tomato was shut out of the door of Europeans.番茄被误认为是伊甸园的苹果,被欧洲人拒之门外。
step out of
David stepped out of the toilet.大卫走出厕所。
take out/take out of
Unfortunately, just as I took out my camera, a woman approached from behind, and planted herself right in front of my view.不幸的是,就在我拿出相机的时候,一个女人从后面走了过来,正好挡住了我的视线。Many chess players said that this meant the end of chess championships around the world, since the fun had been taken out of the game.许多棋手说,这意味着世界象棋锦标赛的终结,因为比赛的乐趣被剥夺了。Whatever the reasons may be, it is evident that more and more children are being taken out of normal schools every year.不管原因是什么,显而易见的是,每年都有越来越多的孩子被带出普通学校。Take the fear out of public speaking by focusing on your listeners.将注意力集中在听众身上,消除公开演讲的恐惧感。
throw out of
Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car, pick it up.如果您遇到从过往车辆中扔出的废纸,请将其捡起。
walk out/walk out of
I gave her the necessary information and she walked out.我向她提供了必要的信息,然后她走了出去。As I walked out that door, a feeling of comfort washed over me.当我走出那扇门时,一种舒适的感觉涌上心头。Walk out of our comfort zone and try new things!走出舒适区,尝试新事物!




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