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单词 一鼻孔出气

一鼻孔出气yī bí kǒng chū qì

breathe through the same nostriles—sing the same tune; be in league with;be birds of the same feather; bed down with sb; be exactly like; be hand in glove with; be in tune with;chant (/sing) the same tune as; echo one another’s opinion; hold identical opinion (/views) as; identify oneself with; say exactly the same
❍ 别说到法院告他,就是到国民政府那里,他们还不是~。(杨沫《青春之歌》224) You’d get nowhere by taking the matter to court.Even if you went to the Nanking government,it would be of no use—they’re all in league together.
❍ 周德春说:“大嫂,天下乌鸦一般黑,财主汉奸都是一个鼻孔出气,你就是不碰上王清一,遇着哪个巡捕也都跟保长一样啊。……”(《高玉宝》123)“Sister,”said Zhou,“crows the world over are black,landlords and traitors are birds of the same feather. If you hadn’t bumped into this Wang,you’d have bumped into some other policeman equally bad…”/他们不但不抗日,还和鬼子~。(知侠《铁道游击队》362) Instead of resisting the Japanese,they bed down with them.
❍ 大春耶娘是那样,大春自己是这样,二弟孟春跟耶娘~,只认得作田,不肯探闲事。(周立波《山乡巨变》 141) Dachun’s parents are one way and he the other; his younger brother Mengchun is exactly like the parents,only concerned to work the fields,and refuses to take any interest in anything else.
❍ 沈养斋和徐鹏飞~,很可能就是沈养斋利用职权,把他和郑克昌的活动探听出来,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》 116) Shen Yangzhai and Xu Pengfei were hand-in-glove and it was quite possible that Shen Yangzhai had used his position as vice-director to find out what he and Zheng Kechang were doing,…/我从前做学生时,回乡看见农民反对“洋学堂”,也和一般“洋学生”、“洋教习” ~,站在洋学堂的利益上面,总觉得农民未免有些不对。(《毛泽东选集》39) In my student days,when I went back to the village and saw that the peasants were against the “foreign-style school”,I,too,used to identify myself with the general run of“foreign-style students and teachers”and stand up for it,feeling that the peasants were somehow wrong.

一鼻孔出气yi bi kong chu qi

breathe through the same nostrils(sing the same tune)


breathing through the same nostrils—singing the same tune


breathe through the same nostrils—sing the same tune

一鼻孔出气yī bí kǒnɡ chū qì

比喻利害关系一致,观点主张相同。sing the same tune, breathe through the same nostrils





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