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单词 一气呵成

一气呵成yī qì hē chéng

❶accomplish sth without any interruption or letup; get sth done at one go;
❷[of an essay] form a coherent whole; make smooth reading
❍ 虽然李信写这封书信时几乎是手不停笔,~,但是信中的意见都是近几天在马上思考熟的,可说是已经有了腹稿。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—四十二)Although Li Xin had written the letter at one go without any inter ruption,yet he had thought of the ideas of the letter in the last few days,that is to say,he had worked out the draft in his mind.

一气呵成yī qì hē chénɡ

呵:呵气。一口气成功;比喻作品结构紧凑,气势流畅,首尾相通;也比喻工作安排得非常紧凑严密。at a dash, make smooth reading, get sth. done at one go, write off, carry sth. through without stopping





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