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单词 惊心动魄

惊心动魄动魄惊心jīng xīn dòng pò

mazing;astonishing; breath-taking; heart-thrilling; highly alarming; profoundly affecting; soul-stirring;startling
❍ 河水澎湃的声响,像深山虎啸一般,使人~。(吴强《红日》 342) The sound of the seething tumult of the waters was as alarming as the roar of a tiger deep in the hills.
❍ 所举的群小,也都确实的,尤其是时敏,虽在三百年后,也何尝无此等人,真令人~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—192) And all he said about the bad elements was true,especially in the case of Shi Min; but what is astonishing is that even now,three hundred years later,there are still such men.
❍ 其事至险,其计至毒。道路相告,动魄惊心。(《毛泽东选集》731)Their activities are sinister and their designs pernicious. People are telling each other the news and are horrified.
❍ 但各种评论中,我觉得有一些比刀枪更可以~者在。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—145) Yet to my mind,some of these observations are more frightful than the weapons of destruction.
❍ 海愤怒地冲击着岩石,发出~然而又单调寂寞的声响。(杨沫《青春之歌》37) The sea was breaking angrily on the rocks with a fearful and dismal roar.
❍ 这一场景虽不能说~,却也十分激动人心。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》253)It was not a very spectacular sight but it was a very moving one.
❍ 这里赵姨娘正说着,只听贾环在外间屋子里,更说出些~的话来。(《红楼梦》1110) As Concubine Zhao was storming,Jia Huan in the outer room made an even more startling statement.
❍ 他开始感觉得,离开了~的社会革命运动,他个人并不是那么强大!(柳青《创业史》78) He began to realize that he was strong only when he was part of the stirring revolutionary tide.
❍ 谨小慎微的寡妇,在~的群众运动里头,岂敢阻挡?(柳青《创业史》112) In the face of this thunderous torrent,how could her timid mother object?


soul-stirring(scene);deeply moving

惊心动魄jīnɡ xīn dònɡ pò

使人神魂震惊。startling, soul-stirring, breath-taking, heart thrilling, profoundly affecting





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