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单词 瞻前顾后

瞻前顾后zhān qián gù hòu

look ahead and behind—be overcautious and indecisive; take into account both past experience and the situation that may possibly arise in the future; weigh one’s steps by thinking of the consequences; be circumspect
❍ 斗争下去! 不要前瞻后顾! (杨沫《青春之歌》239) Fight on!No more hesitation
❍ 虽然是个玩意儿,也要~,……(《红楼梦》456)Although it’s just fun,you must make proper provision.
❍ 瞻前而顾后兮,相观民之计极。(屈原《离骚》) The past and future,too,I now review;|The people’s problems to the utmost I’ve probed.


❶look ahead and behind—take past experience into account and foresee future developments;weigh the pros and cons;consider carefully
❷be overcautious and indecisive;hesitate
决不可~,犹豫不决should never be shilleyshally and indecisive

瞻前顾后zhān qián ɡù hòu

瞻:向前看;顾:向后看或向四周看。原形容做事谨慎,考虑周到;现也形容做事时顾虑重重,犹豫不决。tread as on eggs, be overcautious and indicisive, look before and behind, look before and after





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