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单词 惊天动地

惊天动地jīng tiān dòng dì

shaking heaven and earth; earth-shaking; world-shaking
❍ 什么芽儿发了,什么花儿开了,在他们简直~地新奇,用着整个的心来留意,来盼望,来欢喜! (叶圣陶《倪焕之》190) For them it was something astonishingly new and strange to know what plants were coming up and what flowers had bloomed and they threw themselves heart and soul into watching and waiting and delight ing in their discoveries!/没来由犯王法,不提防遭刑宪,叫声屈动地惊天!(《关汉卿戏剧集·感天动地窦娥冤》19) Through no fault of mine I am called a criminal,and condemned to be beheaded —I cry out to Heaven and Earth of this injustice!/这是战争史的奇观,中华民族的壮举,~的伟业。(《毛泽东选集》414) It is a marvellous spectacle in the annals of war,a heroic undertaking by the Chinese nation ,a magnificent and earth-shaking feat.
❍ 正是铺排打凤牢龙什,坑陷~人。(《水浒全传》772)Truly,a plan had been laid to catch a phoenix and cage a dragon,a pit had been dug for heaven startling,earth-shaking man.
❍ 小虎子听得说,要为这座古钟掀起~的大事变,一片好奇心,走上千里堤,看了一会子古钟。(梁斌《红旗谱》1) Now some tremendous change,it seemed,was going to happen on account of this bell. Out of curiosity,Tiger climbed the dyke to have another look,…/天南地北的战鼓~,一同敲响了资本主义的丧钟! (光未然《革命人民的盛大节日》)Battle drums rolling across the land shake heaven and earth,|Each a bell,tolling the knell of capitalism.

惊天动地jīnɡ tiān dònɡ dì

形容声音很大;形容声势浩大。shake heaven and earth, world-shaking, shake the spheres, startle the world





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