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单词 惊慌失措

惊慌失措惊惶失措jīng huāng shī cuò

be startled(/alarmed) and do not know what to do;be thrown into panic and confusion; be scared (/frightened) out of one’s wits; be seized (/struck)with (a) panic; be taken aback; be thunderstruck;panic-stricken
❍ 只要他~,也会影响自己的部队,立刻瓦解。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—180) And the least sign of alarm on the commander’s part would undermine his men’s morale,making them break ranks.
❍ 众 (~)哎呀! 这可怎么办呀?(《白毛女》85) All: (aghast) Oh!what can we do?/你准备好,看见张材和慧英射出箭后,你就猛冲上前,趁高杰~,将他斩了。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—257) As soon as they’ve loosed their arrows,be ready to charge. While Gao Jie is still disconcerted,off with his head.
❍ 这篇檄文,振奋了全世界被压迫人民的精神,指示了他们的斗争方向,巩固了他们的胜利信心。全世界的反动派,在这篇檄文面前惊惶失措。(《毛泽东选集》1156) This call to battle has inspired the oppressed people of the world,charted the course of their struggle and strengthened their confidence in victory.It has thrown world reaction into panic and con fusion.
❍ 现在听老刘同志明白指定要他检查思想,他便~,一时找不到话讲。(赵树理《三里湾》118) Now that Liu called so pointedly for an analysis of his outlook,he was flustered and did not know what to say./ “哈哈,不要~,是我,你们的熟人,”拦路的男子用手一把抹去脸上的袱子,大笑起来说:“你吓坏了吧,淑妹子?”(周立波《山乡巨变》200) “Ha ha,don’t lose your head,it’s me,you know me well,”replied the man,roaring with laughter as he pulled the cloth off his face. “Are you terrified,Sister Shu?”


fightened out of one’s wits;seized with panic;paralysed with fear

惊慌失措jīnɡ huānɡ shī cuò

惶:害怕。失措:举止失常。由于惊慌、害怕而不知怎么办才好。push(press) the panic button, be freaked out, blow one’s cool, frightened out one’s wits, be taken aback, painstricken, be seized with panic





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