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单词 一模一样

一模一样yī mú yī yàng

be a close (/great/striking/strong) resemblance to; as like as two peas(in a pod); be exactly the same (as); be the picture of; be the spit and image (/the spitting image) of;cast in the same mould; be exactly (remarkably/quite) alike; without the slightest change (in form or content); a good imitation; identical; indistin guishable; in facsimile; match each other as if cut from the same piece of cloth; much of a muchness;selfsame; take after sb
❍ 当他看到春兰绣的这只鸟儿,水色、眼眉、下颏的脯红,和那只真靛颏儿~,活龙活现!(梁斌 《红旗谱》 82) The bird Chunlan had embroidered—its colour,eyes,and red breast—was exactly like the real one,the living image!/在眼前,他们的外表几乎是~:……(杨佩谨《剑》23) At present,they looked quite alike outwardly: …/小坡唱的和台上傻小子唱的~,惹得队员和附近的人群都哄哄的笑起来。(知侠 《铁道游击队》254) Xiaopo gave such a good imitation as the dumb-bell son on the stage that there was loud laughter among the guerrillas and those sitting near them.
❍ 老赵,你看,跟小凌大夫长得~。(曹禺《明朗的天》 121) Zhao,look,he looks just like Dr Ling junior.
❍ 麻石铺成的阶矶,整齐而平坦。阶矶的两端,通到两边的横屋,是两张~的月洞门,…… (周立波《山乡巨变》41) The stone pavement was level and neat; at opposite ends of it were two identicalmoongates leading to the side wings.
❍ 要而言之,就因为先前可以不动笔,现在却只好来动笔,仍如旧日的无聊的文人,文人的无聊~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—26) Suffice it to say they did not have to write then,but now they have to—they are just the same as the old,inept literati.
❍ 百里挑一的妇女,屈己待人,跟赵玉林同志~。(周立波《暴风骤雨》258)That woman is,indeed,one in a hundred. She effaces herself for others. She takes after her husband,Comrade Zhao.
❍ 真是,老子英雄儿好汉,你和你们老人家精神头儿~。(梁斌《红旗谱》21)The son of a hero must be a stout fellow too. You’rethe living image of him!

一模一样yī mó yī yànɡ

模:模样。形容模样完全一样,没有差别。as like as two peas, exactly like, cast in the same mould, much of a muchness, be ... all over





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