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gracen. 1. favour恩惠,恩顾,恩宠。 △L.L.L.4. 3.67(65):“Thygrace being gained cures all disgrace in me.”得你垂青即可抵消我的耻辱。 △L.L.L. 5.2.128:“And not a man ofthem shall have the grace,/ Despite of suit,to see alady’s face.”无论他们怎样请求,也不让他们看见我们哪个姑娘的脸。 △Mid.2.2.89:“The more my prayer,the less-er is my grace.”我越是祈求,越是得不到半点恩惠。 △Mid.3.2.232:“What though I be not so in grace as you,”即使我不像你那样受人爱怜,那又有什么? △As. 3. 5. 100:“And I in such a poverty of grace,”i.e. in such wantof favour; so lacking in favour from you. 并且我又如此缺乏你的恩惠。 △Rom.2.3.85:“Her I love now / Dothgrace for grace and love for love allow.” i.e.The la-dy I love gives favour in return for favour,and lovefor love.我现在所爱的她,能拿恩情报恩情,爱换爱。 △Mac.1.6.29: “we love him highly,/ And shall continueour graces towards him.”我很爱他,还要继续施加对他的恩宠。 △2H.IV.4.4.28:“Nor lose the good advantage of his grace / By seeming cold or careless of his will,”也不要对他的意志表现出冷淡不顾,而失去了他的恩宠能给你的好机会。 △2H.IV. 5.5.6(5):“Stand here by me,MasterShallow,I will make the king do you grace.”i. e.show favour to you. 站在我身边,夏禄先生,我要叫国王给你恩宠的。(按:Master Shallow 又作Master Robert Shal-low.) △R.III. 3.4.95(96): “O momentary grace ofmortal men,”啊,尘世凡人所能享有的短暂恩宠。 △H.III.2.4.20(22):“And take your good grace from me?”收回你对我的宠爱? △H.VIII.5.1.47: “who hath so farGiven ear to our complaint,of his great grace / Andprincely care foreseeing those fell mischiefs / Ourreasons laid before him,”国王开了大恩,倾听了我们的申诉,并且出于圣明的关怀,体察了我们陈述的种种理由之后,预见到那些可怕的灾祸。 2. promise or assurance of favour 恩惠的允诺,恩惠的保证。 △1H.IV.5. 5. 2: “Ill-spirited Worcester,did not we send grace,/Pardon,and terms of love to all of you?”心地不良的乌斯特,我不是对你们都提出过恩惠的保证、宽恕和好意的表示了吗? 3. good opinion,favour,kindness,kind regard 好评,好感,好意,关心。 △L.L.L.2.1.60: “And shape to win grace though he had no wit.”即使没有那一份聪明,他的仪表也足以博得人们的喜爱。 △Ado.1.3.23(22): “he hath ta'en you newly into his grace,”他对你恢复好感,还是不久的事。 △Ado.2.3.30(28):“but till all graces be in one woman,one woman shall not come in my grace.”除非一切女人的优点都集中在一个女人的身上,没有一个女人能得到我的欢心。 △3H.VI.4.8.48: “No,Exeter,these graces challenge grace;”不,爱克塞特,好心总该换来好心。 △R.III.2.1.120: “and not a man of you / Had so much grace to put it in my mind.”而你们当中竟无一人怀着好意对我提醒一下。 4. divine favour,God's favour,blessing 神恩,上帝的恩惠,福佑。 △Ham.1.5.180: “So grace and mercy at your most need help you.”愿上帝的恩惠和慈悲在你们的最大困难之中保佑着你们。 △Tw.3.1.149(135): “Grace and good disposition attend your ladyship!”愿小姐福佑安宁! △Lr.5.2.4:“Grace go with you,sir!”愿神的恩宠与你同在,先生! △Oth.3.3.374(373): “O grace! O heaven forgive me!”啊,上帝开恩吧! 啊,上天饶恕我吧! △1H. IV.2.4.497(446): “Thou art violently carried away from grace,”你已经非常严重地被引入了邪魔歪道。 △2H.IV.4.2.21: “the grace,the sanctities of heaven,”神恩,上天的圣洁。 △1H.VI.5.4.46: “Because you want the grace that others have,/ You judge it straight a thing impossible/To compass wonders but by help of devils.”只因你们缺乏别人所有的神恩启示,你们才轻易断定若无魔鬼相助则世上绝不可能作出奇迹。 △3H.VI.4.7.71:“Edward the Fourth,by the grace of God,Kingof England and France,and Lord of Ireland,etc.”爱德华四世,蒙上帝圣恩,即位为英格兰与法兰西国王,并爱尔兰领主,等等。 △R.III. 3.4.95(96): “O momentary grace ofmortal men,/ Which we more hunt for than thegrace of God!”啊,尘世凡人所能享有的短暂恩宠,我们对它的追求超过了上帝的神恩! △R.III.4.4.220: “My babeswere destined to a fairer death,/ If grace had blessedthee with a fairer life.”如果上天赐给你一条美好的生命,我的孩子们就得到好死了。 5. (cap.) God (大写)上帝。 △Mac.5.7.101(5.9.38): “by the grace of Grace,”按照上帝的恩旨。 6. grace of God (上帝的)仁慈。 △Ham. 1. 4. 33:“His virtues else,be they as pure as grace,”他另外的美德,哪怕像上帝的仁慈一般圣洁。 7. gracious disposition,beneficent virtue 宽厚的性情,仁厚之德。 △H.V.1.2. 241:“We are no tyrant,but a Christian king,/ Unto whose grace our passion is as subject / As is our wretches fettered in our prisons;”我并不是暴君,而是一位信奉基督的国王,我的喜怒情感都受制于我的宽仁之心,正如我们那些犯了罪的可怜虫要被戴上脚镣关进监狱一样。(按: As is又作As are。) 8. mercy 仁慈。 △ Lr.3.2.58:“and cry / These dreadful summoners grace.”向这些可怕的天庭传令使乞求慈悲吧! △Ham.4.5.131 (133):“Conscience and grace,to the profoundest pit!”良心和慈悲,一齐滚到万丈深渊里去吧! △2H.IV.4.1.48:“the speech of peace that bears such grace,”你那充满仁慈的和平语言。 △H.V.1.1.22:“The King is full of grace and fair regard.”国王是仁慈而且充满关切之意的。 △H.V.3.3.30: “the cool and temperate wind of grace ”,清爽温和的仁慈之风。 △H.VIII.1.2.103:“Let there be letters writ to every shire,/Of the King's grace and pardon.”快让人把文告写出来,送往各郡,讲明国王的仁慈和宽恕。 9. pardon 宽恕,饶恕。 △1H.IV.5.1.106: “And,will they take the offer of our grace,/ Both he and they and you,yea,every man/Shall be my friend again. and I'll be his.”只要他们愿意接受我提出的宽大条件,那么他,他们和你,是的,一切人都可以重新成为我的朋友,我也还是他的朋友。 △2H.VI.5. 1. 108:“Obey,audacious traitor,kneel for grace.” 服从吧,大胆的奸贼,跪下求饶吧。 △3H.VI. 2.2.81: “Now,perjured Henry,wilt thoukneel for grace,”现在,发假誓的亨利,你可愿意跪下求饶吗? △ 3H.VI.2.6.69: “Clifford,ask mercy and obtain nograce.”克利福,你来求饶,可是得不到宽恕。 △R.III.2.1.76: “My sovereign lord,I do beseech your HighnessTo take our brother Clarence to your grace.”我的主君,我请求陛下对于我们的兄弟克拉仑斯宽恕(又译:开恩)。 10. good disposition,sense of kindness 善良性情,仁爱心。 △Oth.4.3. 95(92): “and though we have some grace,”我们尽管善良。 11.good qualities 优良品质。 △As.3.2.151 (142):“That one body should be filled / With all graces wide-enlarged.”要以一切的美好品质,把这一个纤小躯体充满。 12. meritorious qualities 功德。 △Lr. 5. 3. 68(67): “In his own grace he doth exalt himself,”他凭自己的功劳就可以高升。 13. goodness 善。 △Rom.2. 3.27:“Two such opposed kings encamp them(=themselves) still / In man as well as herbs grace and rude will;”人与药草一样,其中都存在着两个敌对的君王:善与恶。 14. virtue 品德,美德。 △Mer. 2.7.32: “I do in birth deserve her,and in fortunes,/ In graces,and in qualities of breeding;”讲到家世、财产、人品、教养,我都配得上她。 △As.1.3.57(54):“They are as innocent as grace itself.”他们都会像美德一样清白。 △Ado.4.1. 173(171):“all the grace that she hath left / Is that she will not add to her damnation / A sin of perjury;”她现在所剩下来的惟一的德行就是不愿在她的深重罪孽之上再加上伪证之罪。 △2H.IV. 5.5.57(52): “Make less thy body hence, and more thy grace,”从今以后你要缩小你的身体,增进你的德行。 △R.III.1.3.55:“To thee,that hast nor honestynor grace.”对你这既不诚实又无美德的人。 △H.VIII.1.1.59:“whose grace / Chalks successors their way,”他们的德业已经把子孙后代的前程规划好了。 △H.VIII.3.2.137(136): “Good my lord,/ You are full of heavenly stuff,and bear the inventory / Of your best graces in your mind;”好大人,你浑身上下都充满了神圣的品质,你心里还装着你的许许多多高尚美德的清单。 △H.VIII.5.5.26(5.4. 25): “All princely graces / That mould up such a mighty piece as this is,/ With all the virtues that attend the good,/ Shall still be doubled on her.”铸造成这么一位伟大人杰的全部帝王圣德,连同善良人所具有的一切美德,将来在她身上还要不断与日俱增。 15. natural charm,attractiveness,beauty天生魅力,吸引力,美。 △Lr.1.1.60(58): “No less than life,with grace,health,beauty,honour:”不亚于爱一个可爱、健康、美丽而尊荣的生命。(按: grace 又译“温雅”、“淑德”。) △L.L.L. 5. 2. 72: “And wit’s own grace to grace a learned fool. ”用才智的光辉装饰一个博学的傻瓜。 16. elegance优美,雅致。 △Tw. 2.3.91(82):“He does it with a better grace.”他说得比较美妙。 △Gent.5.4165:“I think the boy hath grace in him;”我觉得这男孩倒是很清秀文雅的。 △Mid.5.1.274(267): “Truly,the moon shines with a good grace.”真的,这月亮照得很斯文的。 △Mer.3.4.65: “And wear my dagger with the braver grace.” 佩上剑来也比你显得更加英姿飒爽。 △2H.IV.2.4.269(248): “and swears with a good grace.”会很雅致地发誓。 17. excellence优点,长处。 △Tw.1.5.261(241):“Lady,you are the cruell’st she alive,/ If you will lead these graces to the grave.”小姐,您是世上最狠心的女人,假如您甘心带着这些姿色进了坟墓。 △Mer.3.5.49(44): “the best grace of wit”,口才最好的才子。 △Ado.2.1.130(123): “Graces will appear,and there’ s an end.” 优点总是会显露出来的,这就完啦。 18. power力量,权力。 △Mid.1.1.206: “O then,what graces in my love do dwell,”啊,不知我的爱人身上有什么样的魔力。 △L.L.L.4.3.153(151): “what grace hast thou thus to reprove / These worms for loving.” 你有什么权利责备这些恋爱中的可怜虫? 19. beneficent virtue or efficacy,efficacious virtue in healing效用,疗效。 △Rom.2.3.15: “the powerful grace”,很大的效用;很大的疗效。 △R.III.2.4.13:“Small herbs have grace: great weeds do grow apace.”小小香草惹人爱;大片杂草长得快。 20. happy knack,faculty,genius巧妙本领,才能,天才。 △H.V.3.5.34: “Saying our grace is only in our heels.”说我们的本领只在脚跟上。 △H.VIII.1.2.122:“Hath into monstrous habits put the graces / T hat once were his、”使他自己固有的才能披上了骇人听闻的外衣。 △L.L.L.5.1.152(140): “few have the grace to do it.”很少的人有这样的本领。 21. honour,credit,distinction 荣 誉,信 誉,殊 荣。 △L.L.L. 5.2.867(859):“that loose grace”,不加限制的赏识。 △Mid. 4. 1. 140(134):“in grace of”,致敬,祝贺。 △Oth.3.3. 46: “If I have any grace or power to move you,”要是我有几分面子或者力量可以感动你。(按:grace 又解作 favour in your eyes: 〈你的〉恩顾。) △ 1H.IV.3.1.181(180):“And that’s the dearest grace it renders you——”那是它给你带来的最大的荣誉。 △1H.VI.1.4.7: “Something I must do to procure me grace.”我总得做点什么为我自己挣个荣誉。 △R.III. 3. 4. 90(91):“And I myself secure,in grace and favour.”而我自己却安然享荣华、受恩宠。 22. honourable distinction荣誉称号。 △Mac. 1. 3. 54:“My noble partner / You greet with present grace,” i.e.by his present title.你们以现有的荣衔祝贺了我这高贵的同伴。 23. fortune,luck幸运,运气。 △Ham.1.3.53: “A double blessing is a double grace,”两次的祝福正好是双重的吉利。 24. person of high rank身份高贵的人。 △Lr.3.2.40:“Marry,here’s grace and a cod-piece; that’s a wise man and a fool.”哼,这里有一位体面人物和一位裤裆人物; 一个是聪明人,一个是傻子。 25.(term of respect) majesty,highness,excellency, honour,worship (尊称)陛下,殿下,阁下,大人。 △1H.IV.3.2.119: “The Archbishop’s grace of York,”约克大主教阁下。 △H.V.1.1.53: “Which is a wonder how his Grace (= his Majesty) should glean it,”陛下的这种实际经验究竟如何得来,真是一个奇迹。 △1H.VI.3.1.60: “Is not his Grace (i.e.Gloucester) Protector to the King?”难道公爵大人不是国王的护国公吗? △2H.VI.1.2.71:“What say’st thou? Majesty? I am but Grace.”你说什么? 陛下? 我只是“殿下”。 △R.III.2.4.23: “Now,by my troth,if I had been remembered,/ I could have given my uncle’s Grace a flout,” (my uncle’s Grace: his Grace,my uncle.)嘿,说真的,我要早想起来,我一定能把我的叔父殿下也嘲弄一番。 △H.VIII.4.2.139(138): “My next poor petition / Is that his noble Grace would have some pity / Upon my wretched women,”我的下一个小小的请求是请国王陛下对我这些可怜的侍女们给予一些怜悯。 △Lr.2.1.119(117): “For him I thank your Grace.”我为他感谢殿下。 26. celebration 庆祝。 △Ham.1.2.124: “in grace whereof.” 为了对此表示庆祝。 27. virtuous scruples,sense of duty or propriety道德上的考虑,责任感,分寸感。 △As.3.4.2: “but yet have the grace to consider that tears do not become a man.”但是你最好要想一想 一个男子汉掉眼泪是不像样的。 △Wiv.2.2.116(111):“They have not so little grace,I hope.”我希望她们还不至于这样不懂分寸。 28. thanksgiving: short prayer before or after food感恩;饭前、饭后的祈祷。 △L.L.L. 4. 2. 163(155): “to gratify the table with a grace.”赏光为在座众人作一次祈祷。 29. ❶good fortune幸运。 ❷favour恩宠。 △Gent.31.146: “Do curse the grace (= good fortune) that with such grace (= favour) hath blessed them.”我诅咒幸运使它们受到了那样的恩宠。 30. ❶title appropriate for a prince,such as “your Grace”(对王子的称呼)殿下。 ❷favour好感。 △2H.IV.1. 2.30(27):“He may keep his own grace(i.e. title of a prince),but he’s almost out of mine(i.e.my favour).I can assure him.”他可以保持他的“殿下”称号,但是他差不多失去了我的好感,我可以老实告诉他。 31. ❶(form of address to a prince) highness(对王子的称呼)殿下。 ❷ courtesy,forbearance 礼貌,克制。 △2H.IV.2.4.384 (350): “His grace says that whichhis flesh rebels against.”这位殿下(双关:他的克制)所说出的话,正是他的肉体所反对的。 32. ❶virtue美德,节操。 ❷generosity慷慨。 ❸(term ofrespect) highness殿下。 △Tw.5.1.35(32): “Put yourgrace in your pocket,”(A triple quibble.)把殿下慷慨的手(又译:操守)放进你的口袋里去。(按:在这句话里grace一词三关。) 33. ❶ title of honour (尊称)殿下。 ❷ virtue 美德。 ❸grace or prayer of thanks before a meal 饭前的感恩祷告。 △1H.IV.1.2.18(16):“when thou art a king,as,God say thy Grace—Majesty I should say,for gracethou wilt have none—”等你做了国王,上帝保佑你殿下——我该叫你陛下,因为不必为你祈祷——(按: for grace thouwilt have none可有三个意思:❶等你做了国王,你就不是“殿下”而是“陛下”了; ❷你就没有美德了; ❸你就不要饭前祷告了。) Phrases: all grace: the grace of God,God 上帝的恩惠,上帝 △Ado.2.1.316 (303): “His Grace hath made thematch,and all grace say Amen to it.”亲王殿下做的大媒,愿上帝来说一声“阿门”吧! do grace: ❶ do a kindness (to),confer a favour (on)(给…)帮忙,(对… )表示宠爱。 △Com.2.1.87:“His com-pany must do his minions grace,”他一定是找他那些下贱的相好们去了。 △Com.5.1.164: “To do him all thegrace and good I could.” 一定要尽我的力量照顾他。 △Shr.1.2.133(131): “do me grace”,帮我一个忙。 ❷do honour (to),bring credit(to)(给…)带来光荣,(给…)增光。 △1H.IV.2.1. 78(70):“the which for sport sakeare content to do the profession some grace,”他们为了寻开心,也情愿参加进来,给我们这一行增光添彩。 △ 1H.IV.5.4.161(157): “For my part,if a lie (i. e. this lie ofyours) may do thee grace,”就我来说,如果一句谎言能对你有什么好处(又译:能使你得到什么荣誉)。 ❸ embellish,set ingood light 装饰,使增光。 △H.VIII.1.4.73:“They havedone my poor house grace;”他们到来使寒舍生辉。 do grace to: pay respects to 向…致敬。 △Ham.2.2.53:“Thyself do grace to them,and bring them in.”i.e.pay respects to them,etc. 你亲自去迎接他们进来吧。devil's grace,the: His Grace the devil (used ironically)魔王陛下(讽刺用法)。 △ 1H.VI.5.3.33: “A goodlyprize,fit for the devil's grace!”好一个战利品,真适合献给魔王陛下! fire of grace: (grace: virtuous scruples 良心) Puritanidiom(清教徒用语)良心的火焰。 △1H.IV.2.4.426(383):“Well,an the fire of grace be not quite out of thee,now shalt thou be moved.”好吧,只要你还有一点良心,你就会受到感动的。 grace and person: honour as king and personal hono-ur 作为国王的荣誉和个人的荣誉。 △Lr.2.2.137(130):“You shall do small respect,show too bold malice /Against the grace and person of my master,/Stockinghis messenger.”你若是把他的使者上了脚枷,那么对于我的主人的至尊地位和个人身份未免太不敬、太放肆了。 grace of kings: (grace: ornament,honour) ornamentof kingship,the king who most honours the title 国王之中的最光辉者。 △H.V.2.Cho.28: “And by theirhands this grace of kings must die,”这位国王之中的光辉榜样就要被他们动手杀害。 right fencing grace: proper behaviour in fencing,proper fencing style 斗剑中的正当行为,正当的斗剑派头。 △2H.IV.2.1.209(192): “This is the right fencing grace,my lord,tap for tap,and so part fair.”这就是正当的斗剑派头,大人,针锋相对,一来一往,然后和和气气分手。 special grace: divine favour 上天的恩赐。 △L.L.L.1.1.150(151):“For every man with his affects is born,/Not by might mast'red,but by special grace.”因为每个人都是生来就有自己的爱好,这乃是上天的恩赐,非外力所能控制。
gracevt. 1. adorn,embellish,set off 装饰,点缀,美化。 △L.L.L.5.2.72:“And wit's own grace to grace a learnedfool.”用才智的光辉装饰一个博学的傻瓜。 △L.L. L.5.2.320(319): “And we that sell by gross,the Lord dothknow. / Have not the grace to grace it with suchshow.”我们经营批发的,上帝知道,倒不好意思那样地炫耀。 △Gent.2. 2. 18:“truth hath better deeds than words to grace it.”真情最好是用行为而不是用言语来表现。 △Ado.2.3.41(38):“How still the evening is,/ As hushed onpurpose to grace harmony!”这夜晚是何等寂静,好像是故意静下来以增加这和谐乐曲的美妙! △Oth.1.3.88: “Andtherefore little shall I grace my cause / In speakingfor myself.”因我也不会文饰我的所作所为,替自己辩护。 △1H.VI.5.5.3:“Her virtues,graced with externalgifts,”她的美德,再加上天生的美貌。 △2H.VI.5.1.97:“Thy hand is made to grasp a palmer's staff /And notto grace an awful princely sceptre.”你的手生来只能握香客的拐棍,而不能给令人敬畏的君主权杖带来一点尊严。 △R.III.3.5.10:“And both are ready in their offices / At anytime to grace my stratagems.”两者随时都可以用来点缀我的谋略。 △R.III. 4.4.383(382): “The imperial metal,circling now thy head,/ Had graced the tender tem-ples of my child,”现在套在你头上的这顶皇冠早就该戴在我的孩子的娇嫩的两鬓之上了。 2. confer honour on,do honour to,honour 授予…荣誉,给…带来荣誉,给…增光。 △As.1.1.157(148): “if hedo not mightily grace himself on thee,”i.e. win greathonour at your expense. 如果他没有在你面前赢得大大的面子。 △As.5.2. 64(57): “to do yourself good,and notto grace me.”那是为了对你有好处,不是为了给我自己增光。 △L.L.L.1.1.3:“grace us in the disgrace of death;”使我们在死亡的毁损之中获得光荣。 △1H.IV. 5.1.92:“Tograce this latter age with noble deeds.”用他高贵的行为给这末世(又译:近代)增光。 △3H.VI. 2. 2.154:“But whenhe took a beggar to his bed,/ And graced thy poorsire with his (i.e. Henry VI's) bridal day,”(Henry VImarried Margaret without a dowry and paid the ex-penses of the wedding.)但是他却把一个叫花子女人娶到自己的婚床上,在完婚之日给你那穷老爹大大增了光。 3. exalt,dignify 提高…的地位,使尊贵。 △ Lr.5.3.62(61):“That's as we list to grace him.”那还得看我们想怎样尊重他。 4. show favour to,favour 眷顾,偏袒,惠赐。 △Gent.1.3.58:“daily graced by the Emperor”,每天都受到皇帝的厚爱。 △Mac. 3. 4. 44(43): “Please 't your Highness /To grace us with your royal company?” i. e. To give usthe favour of your company at table. 请陛下赏光入席吧。 △2H.IV.4. 1. 138(136):“whom they doted on,/ Andblessed and graced indeed,more than the King—”他们真是极端喜爱他、祝福他、拥护他,超过了当时的国王。 5. gratify,delight 使满足,使欣喜。 △R.III. 4.4.174:“What comfortable hour canst thou name / That evergraced me with thy company?”你能指出来我跟你在一起时你可曾给我片刻的安慰吗? 6. bless赐福于… △3H.VI.5.3.1: “Thus far our for-tune keeps an upward course,/ And we are gracedwith wreaths of victory.”到目前为止我们的命运一直走着上坡路,我们荣幸地赢得了胜利的花冠。 7. ❶set off,adorn衬托,装饰。 ❷justify,sanction,ex-cuse证明…为正当,批准,原谅。 △2H.IV.1.1.129: “anddid grace the shame / Of those that turned theirbacks.”这样也就原谅了那些可耻地转身逃跑的人们。 8. ❶confer honour on,do honour to,ennoble把荣誉授予,给…带来荣誉,使尊贵。 ❷treat courteously礼貌对待 △1H.VI.2.4.81: “We grace the yeoman by conver-sing with him.”我们跟这个自耕农说话,就把他的地位抬高了。vb. refl. gain credit for,claim honour for为…赢得声望,为…要求荣誉 △H.V. 3. 6. 72(67):“Why,’tis a gull,a fool,a rogue,that now and then goes to the wars,to grace himself at his return into London under the form of a soldier.”嘿,这不过是一个蠢材、傻瓜、流氓,偶尔参加一次战争,回到伦敦,就以战士的身份为自己涂脂抹粉。 grace恩典基督教神学用语。指上帝赦免众生一切罪过。在赋予和接受恩典方面,存在着各教派不同的观点,成为争论的中心问题。主要存在于5世纪时的贝拉基和奥格斯丁之间,以及16世纪的加尔文派同其新教反对派之间。罗马天主教、东正教认为圣礼就是赐予恩典,而新教徒则把圣礼看成只是一种形式,并不产生恩典。 grace[greis]n.优雅,优美,宽限 (期),音乐的饰音,美妙动人(pl.)风度,魅力,美德,恩典v.使优美,装饰 ◇with a bad grace不情愿地,勉强地 with a good grace欣然地 ‖ days of grace宽限期 grace note装饰音,花音 grace period债务宽限期,优惠期 the Graces恩典(1627年)/ graceful adj.优美的 gracefully adv. graceless adj.粗俗的,不道德的,堕落的,不雅的 gracious adj.有礼貌的,优美的,和蔼可亲的 graciously adv.graciousness/ n.gracile[ˈgreisail]adj.细长的,纤细优美的 gracility[grəˈsiliti]n.苗条 Grace1929~1982格雷斯摩纳哥亲王夫人。原名格雷斯·帕特里曼·凯利。生于美国费城。曾经是电影明星。1954年因在影片《乡村姑娘》中的出色表演而获奥斯卡金像奖。1956年与摩纳哥亲王兰尼埃三世结为夫妇。 |