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单词 gracious


1. graceful,attractive,lovely,beautiful优美的,动人的,可爱的,美丽的。
△Tw.1.5.283(262): “A gracious per-son.”一个漂亮人物。
△Tw.2.3.23(22): “In sooth,thou wast in very gracious fooling last night,”真的,你昨晚打诨打得很好。
△L.L.L.4.3.230(226): “My love,her mistress,is a gracious moon,”我的爱人,她的女主人,是一轮美丽的明月。
△Ado.4.1.108(107): “To turn allbeauty into thoughts of harm,/ And never shall itmore be gracious.”把一切美色变成不祥之物,永远失去它诱人的力量。
△Rom.2.2.112:“Do not swear at all;/Orif thou wilt,swear by thy gracious self,”根本不要起誓吧;或者要是你一定要起誓,就拿你优美的自身起誓好了。
△Mid.4.1.225(218): “to make it the more gra-cious.”为了使它更为优美动人。
△R.III.4.4.204:“Youhave a daughter called Elizabeth,/ Virtuous and fair,royal and gracious.”你有一个女儿叫做伊利莎白,既贤德又美丽,既高贵又文雅。
△H.VIII.5.5.7(5.4.6): “All com-fort,joy,in this most gracious lady. / Heaven everlaid up to make parents happy,/ May hourly fall upon ye!”愿上天所赋予这位最可爱的公主的、能使父母高兴的一切欢欣和快乐,每时每刻都降临给皇上和王后!
2. kind,kindly,affable,benevolent,beneficent友好的,和蔼的,仁慈的,慈善的。
△Lr.4.2.41:“A father,and a gracious aged man,”一位父亲,一位慈祥的老人。
△Mac3. 6. 3: “The gracious Duncan / Was pitied of Macbeth;”仁慈的邓肯被麦克白所怜悯。
△1H.VI.1.4.85:“Heaven,be thou gracious to none alive / If Salisbury wants mercy at thy hands!”上天啊,要是骚兹伯利从你手上得不到慈悲的话,那么你对于任何活着的人也不必仁慈了。
△1H.VI.3.4.1: “My gracious prince,and honourable peers,”我的仁慈的君王,诸位高贵的勋戚们。
△1H.IV.4.3.30: “I come with gracious offers from the King,/ If you vouchsafe me hearing and respect.” 我带来了国王仁慈的建议,只要你们肯恭敬地听我宣布。
△H.V.1.2.100:“Gracious lord,/ Stand for your own,”仁慈的主上,维护你自己的权利。
△H.V.5.Cho.30: “Werenow the general (i.e. Earl of Essex) of our graciousEmpress(i.e. Queen Elizabeth I). / As in good timehe may,from Ireland coming,” (Earl of Essex leftLondon on March 27. 1599,to suppress a rebellion inIreland,and returned unsuccessful on September 28.)我们仁慈的女皇手下的那位将军现在,也可能在不久的将来,从爱尔兰归来。(按:此语指伊利莎白一世的宠臣爱塞克斯于1599年3月27日出征爱尔兰,并预料他将凯旋而归——实则他出征失败,于同年9月28日回国,受到伊利莎白贬斥。)
△R.III.3.4.16:“nor he delivered / His gracious pleasure any way therein.”他也没有讲过他有关此事的高见。
△H.VIII.5.1.92(91):“Pray you arise,/ My good and gracious Lord of Canterbury.”请你起来吧,我的仁善的好坎特伯雷大主教。 thrice gracious: most benevolent最仁慈的。
△1H.IV3.2.92: “I shall hereafter,my thrice gracious lord, Be more myself.”我的最仁慈的父王,从今以后我一定重新做人。
3. virtuous贤德的。
△Tw.5.1.109(105): “Gracious Olivia,”贤德的奥丽维娅。
4. good有道德的,善良的。
△Mac.3.1.66(65): “For them the gracious Duncan have I murdered.”为了他们我杀害了善良的邓肯。
5. ready to grant favours,favouring乐于给人恩惠的,眷顾的。
△2H.IV.4.4.30: “For he is gracious if he be observed,”因为只要人顺着他,他是乐于给人恩惠的。
△R.III.5.3.109(108): “O Thou whose captain I account myself,/ Look on my forces with a gracious eye;”啊,上帝,我把我自己看做是你手下的一个小带兵官,愿你用眷顾的目光看待我的队伍。
6. finding favour,esteemed,popular受到恩宠的,受尊重的,被爱戴的。
△As.1.2.202(188): “never gracious;” i.e. never in favour,unfortunate. 从未受过恩宠的;一直不幸的。
△3H.VI.3.3.117: “But is he gracious in the people’s eye?”但他在人民眼中是不是受爱戴的呢?
7. in a state of heavenly grace,blessed,fortunate处于天恩之中的,有福的,幸运的。
△Ham.1.1.164: “So hallowed,and so gracious,is that time.”那真是神圣的、有福气的好时候。
△Ham.5.2.86(84): “Thy state is the more gracious,for ’tis a vice to know him.”你比我幸运多了,因为认识他便是罪过。
8. happy,prosperous愉快的,顺利的。
△H.V.5.2.12:“So happy be the issue,brother England,/ Of this good day and of this gracious meeting,/ As we are now glad to behold your eyes;”现在我们既然这么高兴地见到你,英格兰兄弟,今天这个美好日子的欢乐聚会,结果一定非常美满。
9. acceptable,agreeable 可以接受的,可人心意的。
△L.L.L.5.1. 151(140): “to make an offence gra-cious,”使得缺点可以接受,弥补缺陷。
△ Gent.3.1.380(368): “Why,that word makes the faults gracious.”啊,这句话使得那些短处也变成可以接受的了。
10. godly,righteous,pious,virtuous 神圣的,正义的,虔诚的,道德高尚的。
△R.III.3.2.56:“God keep your lord-ship in that gracious mind!”愿上帝使大人保持这种高尚的念头!
11. (used as a courteous epithet in speaking to a king)my gracious lord: Your Grace (对国王的一种称呼)仁慈的陛下,陛下。
△Ham.3.1.43(42): “Gracious,so pleaseyou,/ We will bestow ourselves.”陛下,我们藏起来吧。
12. ❶ full of God's grace,godly,pious,righteous 充满上帝的美德的,神圣的,虔诚的,正义的。
❷ graceful,come-ly 优雅的,标致的。
△R.III.2. 4. 18: “He was thewretched'st thing when he was young,/ So long ag-rowing and so leisurely / That if his rule were true,he should be gracious.”他小时候是个卑琐透顶的东西,好久长不大,长得慢慢悠悠,要是他这句成语属实,那么他就该是充满美德的人(又译:仪表堂堂的人)。





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