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❶ (修饰) embellish; decorate: 装 ~ 铺面 paint and decorate the front of a shop
❷ (修理; 整治) repair; mend; overhaul: ~ 桥补路 repair bridges and mend roads; ~ 收音机 repair a radio; ~ 鞋 mend shoes; 一定要把淮河 ~ 好。 The Huaihe River must be harnessed.
❸ (写; 编写) write; compile: ~ 史 write history; ~ 县志 compile the historical and other records of a county
❹ (学问、品行方面的学习和锻炼) study; cultivate: 进 ~ engage in advanced studies; 自 ~ study by oneself
❺ (兴建; 建筑) build; construct: ~ 电站 build a power station; ~ 渠 dig irrigation ditches; ~ 水库 construct a reservoir; ~ 铁路 build a railway
❻ (剪或削; 使整齐) trim; prune: ~ 树枝 prune away [off, down] branches; ~ 指甲 trim [manicure] one's fingernails Ⅱ [书] (长) long; tall and slender: 茂林 ~ 竹 dense forests and tall bamboos; ~ 龄 long life; old age; ~ 眉 long eyebrows Ⅲ ❶ (修正主义) revisionism
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 炳 Xiu Bing
◆修版 {刷}colour-separation drafting;retouching;{摄} print finishing; 修帮鞋底 fudge edge; 修刨 shap ̄ing; 修边 deburring; paring-off; trimming deflashing; 修表者 meterman; 修补 revamp; mend; patch; repair; patch up; reparation; renewal; burling; fettle (炉衬); mending; repatching; {医} repair; 修布 {纺} mending; burling; 修长 tall and thin; slender; slim; 修长补短 make up a deficiency by a surplus; cut off from the long to add to the short; 修车工 fixer; 修船 ship-repair; 修辞 {语} rhetoric; figure of speech; 修道 cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine; 修道士 friar; 修道院 {宗} cloister; monastery; convent; 修德行善 strive after virtue and practice good deeds; 修堤筑坝 repair the dykes and build dams; 修订 revise; reformulate; 修短 [书] length; 修短得中 of medium height; 修短有命 One's life span is decided by nature [fate].; 修房木料 housebote; 修福修寿 strive for happiness and longevity; cultivate happiness and longevity; 修复 repair; restore; renovate; {医} repair; {军} renovation; 修复学 prosthetics; 修改 revise; amend; alter; {自} modify; modification; 修骨钳 rongeur; 修函 [书] write a letter; 修好 [书] foster cordial relations between states; [方] do good works; 修剪 prune; shave; trim; clip; 修建 build; construct; animate; erect; 修脚 pedicure; 修旧利废 repair the old and utilize the waste; repair and recycling; repair and utilize old or discarded things; repair ̄ing old equipment and reclaiming scraps; repair old equipment and make use of waste material; 修旧如新 repair sth. old and make it as good as new; 修浚 dredge; 修理 repair; mend; overhaul; fix; put to right; patch up; revamp; trim; prune; 修理内部, 暂停营业 Closed temporarily for repairs.; The shop is closed during repairs.; 修炼 (of Taoists) try to make pills of immortality and cultivate vital energy, etc.; 修路 mend a road; repair the roads; road repairing; 修面 [方] shave; 修明 [书] (of a government) honest and enlightened; 修睦讲信 foster harmonious relations and carry out one's promises; forster harmonious relation and good faith; 修女 {宗} nun; sister; 修配 make repairs and supply replacements; 修配厂 repair plant; repair factory; 修平 equating; 修葺 repair; renovate; 修桥补路 mend bridges and repair roads; repair bridges and roads; 修桥铺路 build roads and bridges; repair bridges and pave roads — deeds of merit; 修切标本 excarnation; 修缮 repair; renovate; betterment; 修缮加固 strengthening by reparative method; 修缮用品 operating and maintenance supplies; 修身 cultivate one's moral character; 修身齐家 cultivate one's moral character and put one's family affairs in order; cultivate one's moral character and manage the family's affairs well; cultivate oneself and put family in order; 修身止谤 correct one's own ways in order to stop gossip; stop slander by correcting one's own ways; 修身自省 look after one's conduct by self-examination; cultivate one's moral character by introspection; 修士 {宗} brother; friar; 修饰 decorate; adorn; embellish; make up and dress up; polish (a piece of writing); {语} qualify; modify; 修售结合 sale-repair combination; 修书 [书] compile a book; write a letter; 修文偃武 improve learning and hide the sword; 修仙 try to make and then take pills of immortality and cultivate oneself to become on immortal; 修鞋 mend shoes; repair the shoes; 修心笃行 become pure in heart and good in behaviour; 修心养性 cultivate one's original nature; cultivate one's mind and improve one's character; enjoy obscurity for the sake of self-improvement; 修行 practice Buddhism or Taoism; 修修补补 patch up; make some cosmetic changes; tinker; 修羊之敬 a private tutor's remuneration [emolument]; 修养 accomplishment; training; mastery; self-cultivation; 修业 study at school; 修造 build as well as repair; 修真养静 achieve true peace of mind; 修真养性 engage in self-cultivation; nourish one's true nature; 修整 repair and maintain; recondition; prune; trim; {机} dress; shaving; truing; 修正 revise; amend; correct; update; amendment; correction; meliorate; reformation; rectification; 修正主义 revisionism; 修枝 {农} pruning; 修竹 tall bamboo; bamboo (in uniform rows); 修竹茂林 tall bamboos and thick forest; 修筑 build; construct; put up





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