gracesn. (pl.) 1.gracious qualities or accomplishments 优良品质,优良才干。 △Ham.1.2. 62:“time be thine,/ And thy bestgraces spend it at thy will!” i.e. may your fairestqualities help you to spend the time as you please! 时间是你的,愿你发挥你的优良才干善自排遣吧! 2. honour 荣誉。 △Ham.4.7.21: “Convert his gyvesto graces,” i. e. regard his fetters (had we put him un-der arrest) as an honour to him. 把他的镣铐变成了光荣。3. virtues 种种美德。 △As.2.3.10: “to some kind ofmen/Their graces serve them but as enemies?”对于某些人来说,他们的种种美德就像仇敌一样有害。 Graces美惠三女神希腊神话中妩媚、优雅和美丽三位女神的总称。她们是主神宙斯和欧律诺墨的女儿,一说是宙斯和阿佛洛狄忒的女儿。她们分别取名阿格拉伊亚(“灿烂”之意)、区律洛绪涅(意为“欢乐”)和塔里亚(即“花朵”)。她们都喜爱诗歌、音乐和舞蹈,有关文艺、科学和造型艺术等方面的活动都得依靠她们的灵感。参见Charites条。 |