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单词 一箭双雕

一箭双雕yī jiàn shuāng diāo

shoot two hawks with one arrow; achieve two things at one stroke; get a double advantage (/gain); answer (/serve) a double purpose; have a two-fold aim; kill two birds with one stone
❍ 二是造成对群众情绪的影响,破坏我们的战备工作,这叫~呵! (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》211) And another reason was to create trouble and disturb the minds of the people and so sabotage our defensive efforts. Get two birds with one arrow.
❍ 他这个特工老手,来这么一套,是完全可以的。即探听情况,又迷惑对方,这才是~的好主意! (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》453)This was quite permissible to a veteran secret agent like himself. Moreover,he might be able to kill two birds with one stone and get the information he wanted at the same time. An excellent idea!


hit two hawks with one arrow;kill two birds with one stone

一箭双雕yī jiàn shuānɡ diāo

比喻做一件事情收到双倍的效果。kill two birds with one stone, serve a double purpose, get double advertstage, accomplish two objects by one effort





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