n. outside. exterior 外表,外部。
△Rom.1.3.90:“fair without”,i.e. a beautiful exterior,externalbeauty; a beautiful wife.美丽的外表(指妻子)。
1. outside. out of doors 在外面,在门外。
△ Ham.4.3.14:“Without,my lord; guarded,to know your pleas-ure.”在外面,陛下;看住了,听候发落。
△Ham.4.5.112(113):“Sirs,stand you all without.”诸位,请站在外面。
△Mac.4.1.135: “Come in,without there!” i.e.Come in. you who are outside there! 进来,外面的人!
△ Mer.4.1.107:“stays without”,i.e.waits outside.在外面等候着。
△ H.VIII.5.3.5 (5.2.40):“Without,my noble lords?”在外面吗,各位大人?
2. i.e. on the main stage 在外面.(指)在舞台主要部分。
△ 1H.VI.3.2.40 s.d : “Enter Talbot and Burgundy without;”塔尔博特与勃艮第上场至舞台主要部分(表示在卢昂城外)。
1. outside,out of 在…的外边.在…以外。
△ Rom.3.3.17: “There is no world without Verona walls,/ Butpurgatory,torture,hell itself.”在维洛纳城墙以外便没有世界,只有炼狱,苦刑,和地狱。
△ Gent.2.1.37 (34):“without ye”,i.e. outside you; by your external ap-pearance. 在你外面——从你的外表样子。
△Mid.4.1.159(153):“Without the peril of the Athenian law —”不受雅典法律的严厉制裁。
△Mac.3.1.47 (46):“They are.my lord,wit hout the palace gate.”陛下,他们现在宫门外边。
△Mac.3.4.14:“Tis better thee without than hewithin.”血在你外边总比在他里边要好。
2. beyond 超出。
△Mac.3.2.11:“Things without allremedy”,i. e. Things beyond all remedy; things with-out any remedy. 无法弥补的事情。
3. ❶ not with,without the help of 没有,离开。
❷out-side of 在…的范围之外。
△As.3.2.179 (169):“andcould not bear themselves without the verse.”离开诗就站不住脚(双关:不能站在诗的范围之外)。
without book: by heart. by memory 靠心记,靠记忆。
△Rom.1.2.61 (59): “Perhaps you have learned itwithout book.”i.e. Perhaps you have learned to tellyour fortune without the help of books.也许那一套您已会背诵。
conj. unless 除非,如果不。
△Com.3.2.91 (90):“such a one as a man may not speak of without he say‘Sir-reverence. ’”她是很了不起的,除非先说一声“罪过罪过”,谁也不可以提到这么一个人。
△ Gent.2.1. 40 (36): “with-out you were so simple. none else would:”除非你这样老实,别人谁也不会看出来。
△ Ado.3.3.85 (79): “marry.not without the Prince be willing.”当然,如果亲王不愿意,也就算了。
prep. 没有,在…外部 adv.没有或不显示…
◇ from without 从外部
without a doubt 无疑地
without a shadow of doubt 绝对可靠
without a suspicion of 没有…嫌疑
without fear or favor 公正(平)地
without limit 无限制地
without reflecting on the consequences不顾后果
without the privity of 不知情
‖ without a break 连续地
without a clear line between the functions of the government and enterprises functions of the government and enterprises mixed up 政企不分
without a hat on 免冠
without being put up 未被判出局
without being timed 不计时
without breathing 憋气
without charge 免费
without controversy 无可争议
without delay 不得延误
without doubt 当然
without encumbrance 无子女拖累
without excuse 故意
without extemal debt 没有外债
without intermediate circle 无中间回环
without limit of difficulty无难度限制
without offspring,never to be seen again 绝后
without prejudice 不受损害,无偏见
without recourse 无追索权
without scruple 肆无忌惮地
without spin 无旋转
without support 无支撑