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单词 wind


1. current of air气流,风向。
keep the wind: stay downwind,pursue downwind(like a hunting dog),i.e.maintain the scent of thegame(像猎犬那样)守在下风,逆风而追,(即)不失猎物的臭迹。
△ 3H.VI.3.2.14: “He knows the game; how true hekeeps the wind !”他真会追猎(双关:追女人);逆风而上(双关:万无一失)!
2. breath气息,呼吸。
△Ham.1. 3. 108: “not to crackthe wind of the poor phrase,/Running it thus,”这个可怜的字眼儿(指tender)这样跑野马,可别让它累得断了气。(按:在这段台词中,波乐纽斯对于tender一词不断进行双关使用,好像过度驱使马或猎犬一样,故云。)
△Wiv.4.5.105(102): “Well,if my wind were but long enough to saymy prayers,I would repent.”唉,如果我这一口气不断,还能作祷告,我是要忏悔的。
△2H.IV.1.2.208(182):“Is notyour voice broken,your wind short,”你不是声音嘶哑了,气息短促了?
△3H.VI.2.1.82:“For selfsame windthat I should speak withal/Is kindling coals that firesall my breast,”因为我要用来说话的这一口气就像点燃起来的炭火一样烧得我心头炽热。
break one’s wind: become broken-winded,pant andwheeze,be out of breath 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁,喘不过气来。
△1H.IV.2.2.13 (12): “If I travel but four foot bythe squire further afoot,I shall break my wind.”要是拿尺子量着,我徒步往前再走四尺路,我就喘得要断气了。
3. idle talk 瞎诌,胡说。
△Com.1.2.53: “Stop in yourwind,”别胡说了。
4.❶ wind supporting the clouds (支撑着云的)风。
❷breath keeping a man alive (维持人生命的)气息。
△ 2H.IV.4.5.97 (98): “for my cloud of dignity / Isheld from falling with so weak a wind / That it willquickly drop;”因为我这一片尊位的浮云是被一丝微弱的风维系于不坠,它很快就要落下了。
5.❶ breath 气息。
❷ air in motion,current of air 风,气流。
△3H.VI.3.1.86:“Obeying with my wind when Ido blow,/ And yielding to another (i.e. wind) whenit blows,”当我吹气时它受我的气息控制,可是一刮风,它又服从另一阵风了。Phrases:
wind and rain: i.e. sighs and tears 风和雨,(比喻)叹气和眼泪。
△As.3.5.50:“Like foggy south. puffing withwind and rain?”像那多雾的南风,带来了风风雨雨(双关:叹气和眼泪)。
wind of blame: breath of scandal 流言蜚语。
△Ham.4.7.66:“And for his death no wind of blame shallbreathe,”他死了也不会引起什么风言风语。


vt. 1 blow,sound 吹响,使发声。
△1H.VI.2.3.60 s.d.: “Winds his horn: drums strike up; a peal of ord-nance.”他吹响号角;鼓声敲响;一阵炮声。
△Shr.Ind.1.15s.d.:“Wind horns.”吹号角。
△Mid.4.1.108 (102)s.d.:“Wind horn within.”幕内吹号声。


vt. 2 (term from horsemanship) wheel round;guide (马术名词)兜圈子旋转;(又解)驾驭。
△1H.IV.4.1.109:“To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus,”旋转驾驭着一匹火性子的天马。
~ vi.
1.wend,turn,go 转身走。
△As.3.3.109 (103):“Wind away,” i.e. go away. 走开吧。
2. worm one’s way; make cautious,indirect advances蠕动爬行;小心,迂回地前进。
△Lr.1.2.109 (98): “windme into him,” i.e. worm your way into his confidencefor me; find out his real thoughts for me.去引他吐露真情。
wind about: beat about the bush; appeal to ... in aroundabout way instead of straightforwardly 旁敲侧击:拐弯抹角地求助于…
△ Mer.1.1.155 (154): “To windabout my love with circumstance.”用迂回的说法拐弯抹角地试探我的友情。
wind up: ❶ put in tune by tightening the strings of amusical instrument,tune up; put right (以绷紧琴弦来)调音、调弦;使恢复正常。
△Lr.4.7.16 (15): “The untunedand jarring senses,O,wind up / Of this child-changed father!”这个被孩子们逼得失常的父亲.他的神志都失去和谐、完全错乱了,啊,快点调理好吧!
❷occupy com-pletely,fill 完全占有,使充满。
△H.V.4.1.299 (279):“Winding up days with toil,and nights with sleep,”白日劳苦,夜晚安眠。




n.风,风声 v.绕
◇ a bad of wind 夸夸其谈者/a free of wind 顺风
before the wind 顺风
get the wind up 害怕
get wind of sth. 听到某事的风声
have the wind of 占…的上风,对…占优势地位,得到…的线索
in the wind 将要进行,秘密地进行
into the wind 逆风
sail near to the wind近乎违法事情
take the wind out of sb.’s sails使某人气馁
to the four winds 四面八方
up the wind 顶着风
wind down 逐步缩小,休息,放松
wind off 卷开,缠开
wind one’s way走曲曲折折的道
wind sth. round sb.紧紧围住
wind up 脱稿,扫尾,结束
‖ wind abeam 侧风
wind and waves 风波
wind azimuth 风向方位角
wind break 防风墙
wind channel 风洞
wind-chill factor 寒风影响
wind crust 硬雪壳
wind direction indicator 风向标
wind direction 风向
wind drift sands 飞沙
windfall gain 意外收获
windfall loss 意外损失
windfall profits tax 暴利税
wind flag 风向旗
wind force 风力
wind gap 风口
wind gauge 风力计
wind indicator 射箭场测风旗
wind instrument 管乐器
wind jacket 防风上衣
wind meter 风力计,风速表
wind power 风力
windproof garment 防风衣
wind rose 风向图
wind scale风级
wind shield 缠绕,挡风玻璃
wind slab avalanche 板状雪崩
wind sock 风袋
wind speed 风速
wind sprint 训练呼吸的冲刺
wind surfing 风帆冲浪
wind tunnel 风洞
wind tunnel facility 风洞设备
wind tunnel test 风洞试验
wind up a case 结案
wind-up position 投手正面姿势
wind velocity 风速
wind ward 上风面
windward side 上风面
windward yacht 上风船
wind will 轮转挥臂投球法
with wind 顺风
winding up to consolidate 停业整顿
windage n. windage adjustment 左右调整瞄准
windbreak n. 防风林
windbreaker n. 防风外衣
windfall n.横财,意外收获
winding adj.弯曲的,蜿蜒的,时尚,趋势
windmill[ˈwindmil]n.风车 v.使旋转
windmill attack 大轮臂扣球
windmill n. 风车
windmill paddling 风车式划桨
windmill service 大力钩手发球
windmill smash 钩手扣球
winds n. 吹奏乐器
windy[ˈwindi]adj. 刮风的





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