单词 | swell |
释义 | swell /swel; swei/ vi, vt (pt ~ed /sweld; sweld/, pp swollen /'swaulan; , swolan/, rarely ~ed) 1 [VP6A, 14, 15B, 2A, C] ~ (up) (with), (cause to) become greater in volume, thickness or force: (使)增大, 增厚或増强; 膨胀; 肿起: Wood often ~s when wet. 木材浸湿后常会膨胀。 The river was swollen with melted snow. 河未囱感雪而上涨。 His face began to ~ up, eg from toothache. 他的脸孔开始肿起(如因乐痛)。 He/His heart was ~ing with pride. 他骄傲自大。 The boy's eyes were swollen up with tears. 咏亩孩的眼里充满了泪水。 These small items help to ~ the total. 这些小项目使总额增加了。 have/suffer from a swollen headt be conceited. 自负; 自大。 Hence, 由此产生, ,swollen-'headed adj 2 [VP2A, C, 6A, 15B] ~ (out), have, cause to have, a curved surface: (使)隆起; 鼓胀; (使)有弧形表面: The sails ~ed out in the wind. 船帆迎风鼓起。 The wind ~ed the sails. 风使船帆鼓胀。 n 1 gradual increase in the volume of sound: 咅姑逐渐增加: the ~ of an organ. 风琴声音潮响。 2 (sing only) slow rise and fall of the sea's surface after a storm (with large but unbroken waves): (仅用单数)暴风雨后海上的滚滚大浪; 潮涌: There was a heavy ~ after the storm. 暴风雨后有浪浪的大浪。 3 (US colloq) smartly dressed person; person of distinction or ability: (美俗 J 衣着入时的人; 优秀人士; 有才能的人: What a - you look in that new suit! 你穿起那套新衣多帅! come the heavy ~ over sb, (sl) try to appear great and important and in this way impress him. (俚) 图示显贵以打动某人。 adj (LIS colloq) (美俗) 1 smart, fashionable: 漂亮的; 时髦的: Who are your ~ friends? 你那些时髦的朋友是谁? He look her to a ~ dinner party. 他带了她去参加一个讲究的餐会。 2 excellent; first-rate: 极好的; 第一流的: He's a ~ tennis player. 他是第一流的网球手。 ~ing n [U, C] 1 swollen place on the body, eg the result of a knock or blow or toothache. 身体上的肿处(如因碰撞、打击或因牙痛所致)。 2 increase in size, 增大; 加大; 胀大; 膨胀。 |
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