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Ⅰ ❶ (布料) cloth: 棉 ~ cotton cloth;cotton;
麻 ~ gunny cloth;burlap;hessian;~ 鞋 cloth shoes;
花 ~ cotton prints
❷ (古代的一种钱币) a copper coin in ancient times
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 景范 Bu Jingfan Ⅱ ❶ (宣告;宣布) announce;declare;make known;proclaim;publish: 公 ~ publish;
公 ~ 于众 make known to the public;
开诚 ~ 公 speak frankly and sincerely
❷ (散布;分布) spread;disseminate: 散 ~ 谣言 spread gossip;
控制疾病传 ~ check the spread of disease;
阴云密 ~ be covered with dark clouds;
遍 ~ 全国 spread all over the country;~ 满尘埃 be covered with dust all over
❸ (布置) arrange;deploy;dispose: ~ 网 cast [drop] a net;set snares;~ 阵 deploy troops;~ 下天罗地网 cast an escape-proof net
◆布帛 cloth and silk;cotton and silk;textiles;
布帛菽粟 cloth,silk,beans and grain;food and clothing;daily necessities;
布达拉宫 the Potala Palace (in Lhasa,Tibet);
布道 {宗} preach;
布店 cloth store;draper's;piece-goods store;a dry goods store;
布丁 pudding;
布尔 Boole (George,1815.11.2—1864.12.8,英国数学家和逻辑学家);布防 place troops on garrison duty;organize a defence;
布告 notice;bulletin;proclamation;
布鼓雷门 make a fool of oneself by foolish display;
布谷鸟 cuckoo;
布景 {剧} setting;scenery;
布局 (全面安排) overall arrangement;layout;geographical layout;distribution;geographical distribution;(指绘画、作文等) composition;(围棋、象棋术语) position;
布拉吉 a kind of woman's dress;
布朗运动 {物} Brownian movement;pedesis;
布朗族 the Blang [Pulang] nationality (living in Yunnan,China);
布雷 lay mines;mine;
布里渊 Brillouin (Louis Marcel,1880?—1948,法国物理学家);布料 cloth;
布隆迪 Burundi;
布鲁氏杆菌病 (人类布氏杆菌病,又称 “波浪热”、“波状热”) brucelliasis;brucellosis;undulant fever;(家畜布氏杆菌病,又称“传染性流产”) abortus fever;
布鲁氏(杆)菌 Brucella (pl. brucellae,brucellas);
布面 cloth cover;cloth width;
布匹 cloth;piece goods;
布票 cloth coupon;clothing coupon;
布哨 set up security patrols;
布施 {佛教} alms giving;donation;
布条 a strip of cloth;screed;
布头 leftover of bolt of cloth;odd bits of cloth;fag end;[英] neadend;
布网船 {军} netlayer;net tender;
布纹纸 {摄} wove paper;
布线 {电} wiring;arrangement of wire;conductor arrangement;connectingup;
布鞋 cloth shoes;
布依族 the Bouyei [Puyi] nationality (living in Guizhou,China);
布衣 (布衣服) cloth gown;[书] (古时指平民) the common people;commoners;
布罩 sheet;clothing;fabric covering;
布置 (安排和陈列;摆设) fix up;arrange;decorate;(安排) assign;make arrangements for;arrangement;positioning;layout;give instructions about





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