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单词 sweep
释义 sweep2 /swi: p; swip/ vt, vi (pt, pp swept) /swept; swept/ 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 22, 2A] ~ sth (from sth); ~ sth (free) of sth; ~ sth up/away, etc, clear (dust, dirt, etc) away with, or as with, a brush or broom; clean by doing this: 扫除(尘、 土等); 淸扫; 淸除; 打扫: ~ the dust from the carpels; 淸除地毯上的尘土; ~ the carpets/the floor/ the yard; 打扫(地毯,地板,院子); ~ the chimney (free of soot); 扫除烟囱(的煤灰); ~ up dead leaves from the garden paths; 扫除园中小径的枯叶; ~ up the crumbs; 淸扫麻屑; ~ the crumbs under the carpet/into a corner/into a dustpan. 淸扫地毯下面的碎屑(把碎屑扫到角落里,扫进畚箕)。 2 [VP6A, 15A, B] clean or clear away as with a broom; push away: 似用扫箒淸扫; 扫荡; 淸理; 推开; 冲掉: ~ the seas of pirates. 扫荡海盗。 The current swept the logs along. 水流浦走了木材。 The wind swept my hat off/the clouds away. 风吹掉了我的帽子(吹散了云)。 Many bridges were swept away by the floods. 很多桥梁被洪水冲断了。 We were almost swept off our feet by the waves. 我们几乎被浪冲倒了。 ~ a before one, have complete uninterrupted success. 所向披靡; 大获全胜。 ~ the board, a win all the money on the table when gambling. 横扫台面; (赌博时)赢去台面上所有的钱。 b win all the prizes; have every possible success. 囊括所有奖品; 大获全胜。 be swept off one s feet, (fig) be overcome by feeling, filled with enthusiasm, eg an audience by a great singer. (喻)被弄得神魂顚倒; 变得如醉如疗(如听众之被某一伟大歌唱家所威动 )o, swept-'back adj a (of aircraft wings) attached so that they are at an acute angle to the axis of the aircraft. (指飞机机翼)与飞机轴线呈锐角安装的; 后斜的。 b (of hair) arranged so that it is combed or brushed away from the face. (指头发)梳向后方的。 3 [VP2C, 6A] pass over or along, esp so as to overcome obstacles; move quickly over or with a rush: 冲过; 扫过点过; 疾驰; 驰过: A huge wav swept over the deck. 巨浪掠过甲板。 A blizzard swept the country. 大风雪横扫全国。 The big tanks swept over the enemy's trenches. 乂型战车冲过敌人的战壕。 The wind swept along the street. 风吹过街道。 4 [VP2A, 3A] move in a dignified or stately manner; go majestically: 威风凛凛地行走; 昂然地走: She swept out of the room. 她昂然地走出房间。 The big car swept up the drive to the entrance of the palace. 那辆大型端车威风凛凛地驶过车道抵达皇宫大门。 5 [VP2C] extend in an unbroken line, curve or expanse: 绵亘; 伸展; 延展: The road ~s round the lake. 这条路环湖延伸。 The coast ~s northwards in a wide curve. 海岸向北方呈大孤形展开。 6 [VP6A] pass over (as if) to examine or survey: (似)扫视; 环视; 周览: The searchlights swept the sky. 探照灯扫索天空。 Her eyes swept the room. 她的眼睛扫视那房间。 7 [VP6A] move along lightly and quickly: 轻快地移动; 拂; 轻掠过: His fingers swept the keys of the piano. 他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动。 Her dress swept the ground. 她的衣服在地面拖曳。 8 [VP12A] make (a bow, curtsey) with a ~ing movement: 匆匆或草草地鞠(躬)或行(礼): She swept him a curtsey. 她走过时对他匆匆行一屈膝礼。 ~er n 1 person or thing that ~s: 扫除之人或物: 'street ~ ers; 淸道夫; a 'carpet- ~er. 地毯扫除器。 2 (football) defender who covers the backs, tackling any opponent who passes them. (M 榄球)后卫(防守球门附近区域、阻止对方球员带球进入该区者)。 ~ing adj far-reaching; taking in very much: 范围广大的; 包括很广的; 概括的: ~ing changes/reforms; 彻底的故变(改革); a ~ing statement/generalization, with no limitations or exceptions; 槪括的敍述(归纳); a ~ing complete) victory; 全胜; ~ing (—very great) reductions in prices, eg at a sale. 夫减价。 ~ingly adv ~ings n pl dust, rubbish, scraps, etc, collected by ~ing: 扫集物; 扫拢的尘屑; 垃圾; 废物堆: 0 heap of 'street ~ings. 一堆街头垃圾。




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