释义 |
whichpron. 1. who. △Mid.5.1.73: “Which never laboured in their minds till now:” 在这以前,他们从来没有用过脑筋。 △L.L.L.4.2.30 (29):“Which we of taste and feel-ing are”,i.e. we who have taste and feeling. 我们这些有情趣有性灵的人。 △Rom.3.3.122 (123):“Which likea usurer abound'st in all,” i.e. (you) Who like a mon-ey-lender is rich in everything. 你简直像一个放高利贷的,有的是财富。 △2H.VI.5.1.93: “No,thou art notking,/Not fit to govern and rule multitudes,Which dar'st not,no,nor canst not rule a traitor.”不,你不是国王,也不适于管理和统治万民,因为你连一个奸贼都不敢管,也管不住。 △2H.VI.5.2.76: “and to secure us/By what we can. which can no more but fly.”用我们所能找到的一切办法把我们自己救出去,而我们实在也只有逃了。 △ 3H.VI.3.3.81: “Then Warwick disannuls greatJohn of Gaunt. / Which did subdue the greatest partof Spain;”这样一来,沃里克就把那位曾经征服了大部分西班牙的刚特的约翰贬得一文不值了。 △3H.VI.4.1.11:“As wellas Lewis of France or the Earl of Warwick,/ Which are so weak of courage and in judgement/ Thatthey'll take no offence at our abuse.”就像法国的路易和沃里克伯爵一样闷闷不乐,不过他们太没有勇气、也没有判断力,所以他们对我们的欺骗并不生气。 2. whom. △Lr.1.4.257 (235): “Which they willmake an obedient father.”她们要把他变成一个孝顺的父亲。 △2H.VI.2.3.106(102):“And God in justice hathrevealed to us / The truth and innocence of this poorfellow,/Which he had thought to have murderedwrongfully.”主持正义的上帝向我们昭示这个可怜的人是诚实无罪的,而那个坏人却曾想把他冤枉杀害。 3. as像…样的人(或事物)。 △H.VIII.1.2.26: “even heescapes not / Language unmannerly,yea. such whichbreaks / The sides of loyalty,”连他也不免受到恶言攻击,是的,那些话已经打破了忠心的界限。 4. (used adverbially) as to which 至于(关于)那个。 △R.III.3.5.68 (69): “Which,since you come toolate of our intent,/ Yet witness what you hear we didintend.”这件事吗,就我们的本意而言,你来晚了 一步,不过你还是可以根据你所听到的话为我们的意图作证。 5.i.e. at which(用做)对此。 △H.V.2.2.159:“WhichI in sufferance heartily will rejoice,”对此,我即使在受刑之中仍然感到高兴。 Phrases: for the which: for which reason因为这个原故。 △Wiv.2.2.289 (273): “for the which his wife seems to mewell-favoured.”正是为了这个,我才觉得他的老婆有几分姿色。 the which: which. △Mer.1.3.4: “For the which.as I told you,Antonio shall be bound.”这笔钱,我已经告诉你了,由安东尼奥来做担保。 △As.1.1.15: “for thewhich his animals on his dunghills are as much boundto him as I.”为了这一点,我得和那些粪堆上的畜生同样感激他呢。 △Rom.Pro. 13: “The which if you with patientears attend.”对此只要诸位肯耐心细听。 △Rom.1. 5. 76(72):“It is my will,the which if thou respect,”这是我的意思,如果你尊重它的话。 which is more: what is more而且。 △Ado.4.2. 85(80): “I am a wise fellow,and which is more,an of-ficer,and which is more,a householder,and which ismore,as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in Messina,”我是一个聪明人,而且,是一个官;而且,是一个有房有产业的人;而且,是在麦西那不比任何人差的一个人。 which one: (even) one of whom其中这一个。 △Ham.3.2.31 (26):“the censure of which one(i.e. the judicious) must in your allowance o'erweigh a whole thea-tre of others (i.e. the unskilful).”而你得承认,这一个明眼人判断的分量要超过整个戏园里其他观众的看法。 which... which: whether...or究竟…还是… △Mid.5.1. 326 (318):“A mote will turn the balance. whichPyramus,which Thisbe,is the better.”一粒尘埃可以拨动天平,如果权衡究竟皮拉摩斯或是瑟丝贝更好一些的话。 |