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{语} (指上声) falling-rising tone
另见 see also shànɡ; shɑnɡ。


❶ (位置在高处的) upper; up; upward: ~ 铺 upper berth; ~ 身 the upper part of the body; 往 ~ 看 look up [upward]; 这头朝 ~ this side up
❷ (等级或品质高的) higher ; superior; better: 犯 ~ go against one's superiors; 向 ~ 反映情况 report the situation to the higher organization; 中 ~ 水平 above the average; better than the average; 这个词是旧时下对 ~ 的称呼。 This word was used in the old days to address one's superiors.
❸ (次序或时间在前的) first (part); preceding; previous: 二十世纪 ~ 半叶 the first half of the twentieth century; ~ 半年 the first half of the year; ~ 册 the first volume; Volume One; Book One; ~ 集 the first part; Part One; Volume One; ~ 星期三 last Wednesday; ~ 一段 the preceding [above; foregoing] paragraph; ~ 一季度 the previous quarter
❹ (旧时指皇帝) the emperor: ~ 谕 imperial decree
❺ {音} (中国民族音乐音节上的一级, 乐谱上用做记音符号, 相当于简谱的“1”) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱) , corresponding to 1 in numbered musical notation
❻ {语} (上声) falling-rising tone, one of the four tones in classical Chinese and the third tone in modern standard Chinese pronunciation
❼ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 之登 Shang Zhideng Ⅱ ❶ (由低处到 高处) go up; mount; board; get on: ~ 岸 go ashore; go on shore; land; ~ 船 go aboard a ship; go on board; ~ 飞机 board a plane; ~ 公共汽车 get on a bus; ~ 楼 go upstairs; ~ 坡 go up a slope; ~ 山 go up a hill; go uphill; ~ 自行车 get on a bike; 逆流而 ~ go upstream; go against the current
❷ (到; 去) go to; leave for: ~ 北京 leave for Beijing; 你 ~ 哪儿去? Where are you going? 我要 ~ 医院去看望我的哥哥。 I'm going to the hospital to see my elder brother.
❸ (呈递) submit; send in; present: 李小红谨 ~ Yours respectfully, Li Xiaohong; 随函附 ~ 20分邮票一张。 Enclosed herewith is a twenty-fen stamp.
❹ (向前进) forge ahead; go ahead: 见困难就 ~, 见荣誉就让 dash forward where there are difficulties to overcome and draw back when honours are to be conferred; take the difficulties for oneself and leave the honours to others; 快 ~, 投篮 ! Go ahead. Quick! Shoot!
❺ {戏} (出场) appear on the stage; enter: 2战士左 ~。 Enter left two soldiers.
❻ {体} (上场) enter the court or field: 换人: 3号下, 4号 ~。 Substitution: Player No. 4 for No. 3. 这后半场你 ~。 You play this second half.
❼ (添补; 增加; 摆出) fill; supply; serve: 给水箱 ~ 水 fill the tank with water; ~ 货 replenish the stock of goods; 汤先 ~。 Soup is first served. 一连 ~ 了好几道菜。 Several courses were served in succession.
❽ (安装) place sth. in position; set; fix: ~ 玻璃 fix the window [door] pane; ~ 刀具 fix a cutting tool; ~ 梁 set the roof beams in place; 工件已经 ~ 了车床。 The workpiece is already on the lathe. 麦秸正在 ~ 垛。 The wheat stalks are being stacked. 门没 ~ 锁。 The door isn't locked.
❾ (涂; 搽) apply; paint; smear: 给机器 ~ 油 oil [grease] the machine; 给门 ~ 漆 paint the door; ~ 色 paint; apply colour; ~ 药膏 apply ointment
❿ (登载) be put on record; be carried (in a publication): 她的名字 ~ 了报。 Her name has appeared on the newspaper. 他的先进事迹都 ~ 了电视了。 His model deeds have been publicized on TV.
⓫. (拧紧) wind; screw; tighten: 表该 ~ 了。The watch needs winding. 螺丝没有 ~ 紧。 The screw hasn't been tightened.
⓬ (进行工作或学习) be engaged (in work, study, etc.) at a fixed time: ~ 工 [课] go to work [class]; 她的女儿在 ~ 大学。 Her daughter is now in college. 我今天 ~ 夜班。 I'm on the night shift today.
⓭ (达到; 够) up to; as many as: ~ 百人 up to a hundred people; ~ 万 as many as ten thousand
另见 see also shǎnɡ; shɑnɡ。
◆上岸 ashore; debarkation; disem bark; land; go ashore;
上班 go to work; start work; be on duty;
上板铺 upper bunk;
上半场 first half (of a game);
上半晌 forenoon; morning;
上半身 the upper part of the body; above the waist;
上半天 forenoon; morning;
上半夜 before midnight; the first half of the night;
上报 appear in the newspapers; report to a higher body; report to the leadership;
上报审批 send up... to the higher level for approval; submit to a higher level for examination and approval;
上辈 ancestors; the elder generation of one's family; one's elders;
上辈子 ancestors; previous existence;
上臂 the upper arm;
上边 anadrome side; top; above; over; upper;
上膘 become fat; fatten;
上宾 distinguished guest; guest of honour;
上病下取[治] {中医} treating disease in the upper part by managing the lower;
上膊 upper arm;
上不封顶, 下不保底 impose “no ceiling or lower limit” (as far as bonuses are concerned); no ceiling above, no protection below;
上不着天, 下不着地 have nothing to hang on to above and no solid ground to rest one's feet on below; be held in suspense; not to be on solid ground; touch neither the sky nor the ground — be suspended in midair;
上部 headpiece; ridge;
上苍 Heaven; God;
上操 go out to drill; be drilling;
上策 the best plan; the best way out; the best thing to do; the best policy; the optimal policy; first choice;
上层 upper strata; upper levels; superstratum; hanging side; overstory; 上层建筑 superstructure; top-out;
上谄下骄 fawn upon one's superiors and look down upon those below; flatter those in high position and despise those of lower ranks;
上场 appear on the stage; enter; enter the court or field; join in a contest; take part in the competition;
上朝 go to court; hold court;
上乘 {佛教} Mahayana; Great Vehicle; a work of a high order;
上船 boarding; embark;
上床 bedward; go to bed;
上唇 upper lip; anocheilon; anochilos; supralabial; labrum (pl. labra) (昆虫); epichilium; epichil; epichile;
上簇 mount cocooning frame;
上窜下跳 run clandestine errands up and down the line; run around on sinister errands;
上达 reach the higher authorities;
上代 the previous generation; former generations;
上当 be taken in; be fooled; be duped; be tricked; bite at a bait; play into someone's hands;
上当受骗 swallow a gudgeon; be tricked; be duped and misled in; be gypped by a swindler; be hoodwinked and misled; be put upon (by sb.); be taken in;
上导数 upper derivate;
上灯 light the lamp; light up;
上等 first-class; first-rate; superior;
上低音号 {音} baritone;
上第 [书] first-class; first-rate; superior;
上帝 God;
上吊 hang oneself;
上冻 freeze; get frozen;
上端 top; upper extreme; upper end; upper edge;
上颚 the upper jaw; the roof of the mouth; the palate; supramaxilla; roof; maxilla (of a mammal); mandible (昆虫); mandibul-; mandibulo-; mandibuli-;上方 superja ̄ cent; above;
上方宝剑 the imperial sword;
上房 main rooms;
上访 apply for an audience with the higher authorities to appeal for help; meet with the higher authorities; appeal to the higher authorities for help;
上飞机 boarding; embark; embarkation;
上坟 visit sb.'s grave; visit a grave to honour the memory of the dead;
上峰 [旧] the higher authorities; official superiors;
上风 windward; advantage; superior position; upper hand; {气} uptake; upcast;
上浮 come-up; float; increase; go up;
上纲 raise to the higher plane of principle; {渔} headline; head rope;
上告 complain to the higher authorities or appeal to a higher court;
上工 go to work; start work; {中医} shanggong; superior medical worker;
上供 offer up a sacrifice; lay offerings on the altar;
上钩 rise to the bait; swallow the bait; get hooked; fall into a trap;
上古 {地} palaeoid; ancient times; remote ages;
上光 lustering; glazing; polishing; ferrotype; seasoning;
上轨道 get on the right track; begin to work smoothly; be well under way;
上海 Shanghai;
上好 first-class; best-quality; tip-top;
上和下睦 Those who are above and those who are below are all on good terms.;
上颌 maxillary; upper mandible; {生理} the upper jaw; maxilla;
上呼吸道 {生理} the upper respiratory tract;
上火 [方] get angry; get inflamed; {中医} suffer from excessive internal heat;
上货 exhibit goods;
上级 higher level; higher-ups; higher authorities; in higher position of responsibility; Good Middling;
上家 the person on one's right when playing cards or playing a drinkers' wager game;[方] supplier 上尖儿 [口] pile up to such an extent as to form a pointed top;
上浆 {纺} sizing; starching; dressing;
上江 the upper Changjiang region;
上将 general; air chief marshal; admiral;
上焦 {中医} upper-jiao; upper warmer; upper heater;
上胶 sizing treatment; surface sizing; coating;
上交 hand in; turn over to the higher authorities;
上缴 turn over (revenues, etc.) to the higher authorities; turn in sth. to a higher level;
上街 go into the street; go shopping;
上界 upper bound;
上届 previous term or session; last;
上进 go forward; make progress;
上进心 desire to advance; the desire to do better; the urge for improvement;
上劲 energetically; with gusto; with great vigour;
上客 the most honoured or esteemed guest;
上课 attend class; go to class; conduct a class; give a lesson;
上空 in the sky; overhead; midair; high up in the air;
上口 be able to read aloud fluently; be suitable for reading aloud; make smooth reading; {林} back cut; felling cut; falling cut;
上蜡 {纺} waxing;
上来 begin; start;
上来 come up;
上联 the first line of a couplet on a scroll;
上梁 cross bar; top tube; top bar; upper beam;
上梁不正下梁歪 If the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant.; A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.; Fish begins to stink at the head.; If a leader sets a bad example, it will be followed by his subordinates.; When those above behave unworthily, those below will do the same.;
上列 the above-listed; the above;
上流 upper reaches (of a river); belonging to the upper circles; upper-class;
上路 set out on a journey; start off;
上马 mount a horse; (口令)To horse! start; make a start on;
上门 come or go to see sb.; call; drop in; visit; shut the door for the night; bolt the door;
上门服务 make house calls; 上面 above; over; on top of; on the surface of; above-mentioned; aforesaid; foregoing; the higher authorities; the higher-ups; aspect; respect; regard;
上年 last year;
上年纪 be getting on in years;
上盘 {矿} hanging side; hanging wall; upper case;
上皮 epithele; epithelium; epithelio-; epithel-;上品 highest grade; top grade;
上坡 upslope; uphill; ascent;
上坡路 uphill road; upward slope; upward trend;steady progress;
上铺 upper berth; upper;
上气不接下气 be out of breath; pant for breath; gasp for breath;
上情下达 transmit an order from above; What is going on at higher levels is made known to lower levels.;
上去 go up; upward;
上圈套 swallow the bait; fall into a trap; be caught in a net;
上染率 dye-uptake;
上任 take up an official post; assume office;
上色 best-quality; top-grade;
上色 colour (a picture, map, etc.);
上山 go up the mountain [hill];上山下乡 go to the mountainous areas and the countryside; go and work in the countryside and mountain areas; go to the mountainous and rural areas; settle in the rural areas [the countryside]; go on trips to hilly and rural areas;
上上 the very best; before last;
上上下下 from cellar to garret; from garret to kitchen; from top to bottom;
上身 the upper part of the body; upper outer garment; shirt; blouse; jacket; start wearing;
上声 {语} falling-rising tone;
上升 rise; go up; ascend;
上士 sergeant first class (美陆军); staff sergeant (英陆军); petty officer first class (美海军); chief petty officer (英海军); technical sergeant (美空军); flight sergeant (英空军);上市 go [appear] on the market; be in season;
上市公司 listed company; 上市证券 listed securities; 上手 left-hand seat; seat of honour; start; begin;
上手发球 tennis-style serve; overhead serve;
上首 the left-hand seat;
上书 submit a written statement to a higher authority; send in a memorial;
上述 above-mentioned; aforementioned; as said or narrated above; aforesaid;
上闩 up latch;
上水 sail upstream;
上税 pay taxes;
上司 superior; boss;
上溯 sail upstream; trace back to;
上诉 {律} appeal (to a higher court); lodge an appeal; institute an appeal;
上算 paying; worthwhile;
上台 go up onto the platform; appear on the stage; assume power; come [rise] to power; in charge; take up an official post;
上台阶 top bar;
上台盘 be able to behave well in public;
上台掌权 come to power;
上膛 {军} be loaded; chambering;
上套 fall into a trap;
上体 [书] the upper part of the body;
上天 Heaven; Providence; God; go up to the sky; fly sky-high;
上天无路, 入地无门 There is no road to heaven and no door into the earth — in desperate straits; at the end of one's rope; can neither fly up to the sky nor hide underground.; nowhere to turn.; There is no path to Heaven one can go, no door to Earth that one can enter.;
上投 upcast; upthrow;
上头 leading body at a higher level; at the top of;
上吐下泻 vomit and have watery stools; vomiting and being purged; vomiting and diarrhea;
上尉 captain (陆军、 美空军); lieutenant (海军); flight lieutenant (英空军);上文 foregoing paragraphs or chapters; preceding part of the text;
上无古人, 下无来者 no ancients in the past, no posterity to come;
上午 forenoon; morning; ante meridiem (a.m.); ante prandium;
上西天 go to Western Paradise; kick the bucket;
上下 high and low; old and young; from top to bottom; up and down; go up and down; relative superiority or inferiority; about; or so; or thereabouts;
上下打量 stare at sb. up and down; eye [survey] sb. from head to toe; look sb. over from head to foot; look sb. up and down; scrutinize [examine; measure] sb. from head to foot; size sb. up from head to toe;
上下文 context; {计} context;
上下一(条)心 Both the higher and lower levels are united as one.; The leadership and the rank and file are of one mind.;
上弦 {天} first quarter (of the moon); wind up a clock or watch; principal rafter;
上限 superior limit; upper limit; upper bound; toplimit;
上香 go to a temple to pray;
上相 come out well in a photograph; be photogenic;
上校 colonel (陆军、 美空军); captain (海军); group captain (英空军); 上鞋 sole a shoe; stitch the sole to the upper;
上新世 Pliocene epoch;
上行 {铁道} up; upgoing; {航运} upriver; upstream;
上行下效 People follow the example of their superiors.; If a leader sets an example, it will be followed by his subordinates [his subordinates will follow suit].; The inferiors imitate the superiors.; Those below follow the example of those above.; Those in subordinate positions will follow the example set by their superiors.;
上旋 {乒乓球} top spin;
上学 go to school; attend school; be at school;
上旬 the first ten-day period of a month;
上压力 {物} upward pressure;
上演 put on the stage; perform; give a public performance; on show;
上夜 [旧] be on night duty;
上衣 upper outer garment; jacket; waist; lap;
上一个新台阶 upgrade; attain a new height; stand on a higher level; 上议院 upper house; the House of Lords (of Britain);
上瘾 be addicted (to sth.); get into the habit (of doing sth.);
上映 show (a film); screen; be on; run;
上游 head waters; upstream; upper reaches; advanced position;
上有天堂, 下有苏杭 There is Paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below.;
上有政策, 下有对策 The higher authorities have policies, the localities have their counter-measures.;
上谕 imperial edict;
上院 upper house; the House of Lords;
上涨 rise; go up;
上帐 make an entry in an account book; enter sth. in an account;
上阵 go into battle; pitch into the work;
上肢 upper limb;
上中农 upper-middle peasant;
上装 make up (for a theatrical performance); [方] upper outer garment; jacket;
上座 seat of honour; customers begin to come into theatre, restaurant, etc.


❶(用在动词后, 表示由低处向高处):登 ~ 山顶 reach the summit; 爬 ~ 河堤 climb up to the top of the dyke; 踏 ~ 非洲的土地 set foot on African soil; 对敌人的新仇旧恨, 一齐涌 ~ 心头。 Hatred of the enemy, for old and new wrongs, welled up in his heart.
❷ (用在动词后, 表示动作的结果): 穿 ~ 外衣 put on a coat; 考 ~ 大学 be admitted to a college; 没吃 ~ 饭 be too late for the meal; 茶已经沏 ~ 了。 The tea has been made. 你跟他接 ~ 头了吗? Have you got in touch with him? 他传染 ~ 感冒了。 He's caught cold. 我买 ~ 火车票了。 I've got the train ticket.
❸ (用在动词后, 表示开始并继续): 她爱 ~ 了草原。 She's fallen in love with the grasslands. 他拿起一把锨就干 ~ 了。 He seized a shovel and set to. Ⅱ ❶ (用在名词后, 表示事物的表面): 脸 ~ in the face; 墙 ~ on the wall; 把书放在桌 ~。 Put the book on the table.
❷ (用在名词后, 表示在某种事物的范围以内或方面): 会 ~ at the meeting; 报 ~ 说的 what is reported in the newspaper; 世界 ~ in the world; 事实 ~ in fact; in reality; actually; 理论 ~ in theory; theoretically; 由组织 ~ 决定 be decided by the Party organization; 口头 ~ 赞成, 实际上反对 agree in words but oppose in deeds; 这个小镇 ~ 有两所中学。 There are two middle schools in this little town. 这个错误由我们领导 ~ 负责。 We of the leadership must accept responsibility for this mistake.
另见 see also shǎnɡ; shànɡ。





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