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charityn. 1. Christian love基督徒的爱心。 △L.L.L.4.3.127(125):“thy love is far from charity,”你这种恋爱太自私了。 2. love,benevolence,universal love,right feeling to-wards one’s fellow-men,disposition of heart which in clines men to think favourably of their fellow-men and to do them good爱,仁爱,宽厚,厚道。 △Mer.1.2.84 (79):“That he hath a neighbourly charity in him,”他很懂得对左邻右舍的宽厚之道。 △L.L.L.4.3.364(361):“For charity itself fulfills the law,”因为慈悲本身就是神圣法则的实践。(按:此语出自《新约·罗马书》第13章第8节:“因为那爱别人的,就是遵守法律。”) △Oth.4.1.121(119):“Prithee bear some charity to my wit,do not think itso unwholesome.”请你对我的判断力发点慈悲,别把它看得那么不健全。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.1.143:“Virtue is choked withfoul ambition,/ And charity chased hence byrancour’s hand;”美德被邪恶的野心所扼杀了,仁爱被恶毒的手所赶走。 △2H.Ⅵ.5.1.213:“Fie! Charity,forshame!”呸! 可耻,做人要厚道一点! △R.Ⅲ.1.3.273(272):“Peace,peace,for shame,if not for charity.”住口吧,住口吧,即使不讲仁爱,也要有点羞耻。 △H.Ⅷ.1.2.143: “Deliver all with charity.” i.e.Tell everythingcharitably.你讲话要厚道。 3. kindness好意。 △Tw.5.1.240 (230):“Of charity,”j.e.tell me out of your kindness.请你告诉我。 4. charitableness 慈善。 △R.Ⅲ.2.1.49(50):“Gloucester,we have done deeds of charity,/ Madepeace of enmity,fair love of hate.”葛罗斯特,我做了一些善事,化敌为友,变恨为爱。 △3H.Ⅵ.5.5.76:“ ’Twas sinbefore,but now ’tis charity.”以前你发假誓是罪过,但现在你发假誓就是慈善行为。 |