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单词 三顾茅庐

三顾茅庐sān gù máo lú

make three calls at the thatched cottage—repeatedly request sb to take up a responsible post; call on sb repeatedly (to solicit/enlist his help,etc);/只因徐庶临行语,茅庐三顾心相依。(《三国演义》333) Then,because of the parting words of Xu Shu,|And by the thrice repeated visits to his retreat,|The great hero found and knew his mentor.

三顾茅庐san gu mao lu

make three calls at the thatched cottage—repeatedly request sb. to take up a responsible post

三顾茅庐san gu mao lu

make three calls at the thatched cottage(meaning repeatedly request somebody to take up a responsible post)


make three personal calls at the thatched cottage (referring to Liu Bei’s(刘备)three calls at the thatched cottage of Zhuge Liang(诸葛亮)to solicit his help)—repeated and sincere invitations

三顾茅庐sān ɡù máo lú

顾:拜访;茅庐:指草房。比喻诚心诚意地邀请人家。repeatedly request take up a responsible post, call on sb. repeatedly





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