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单词 sweet


△Rom. 2. Cho. 14:“Tempering ex-tremities with extreme sweet. ”减轻极端的困苦,自有极端的甘甜。
2. flower花。
△ L. L. L. 4. 3. 114(112): “Youth so aptto pluck a sweet.”年轻人无不喜爱摘花。
3. anything agreeable to the taste可口的食物。
△ Rom1.1.200(194): “a preserving sweet.”可口的蜜饯。


1. pleasing,delightful,reassuring 令人高兴的,令人愉快的,令人安心的。
△As. 2. 1. 12: “Sweet are the uses ofadversity,”逆境的好处是很妙的。
△Mac. 4. 1. 96:“Sweetbodements!”好称心的预兆!
△ 2H.IV. 1. 1. 88: “Tellthou an earl his divination lies. And I will take it asa sweet disgrace / And make thee rich for doing mesuch wrong.”你只管告诉一位伯爵说他的预言撒了谎,我愿意把它当做一种快意的侮辱而接受下来,并且由于你给我这侮辱而重重赏你。
△1H. VI. 2. 5. 30: “sweet enlargement”,i.e.delightful freedom. 令人高兴的自由。
△ 3H. vi. 1. 2. 28:“And,father,do but think / How sweet a thing it isto wear a crown.”父亲,你只消想一想头戴王冠是一件多么叫人高兴的事情。
2. pleasing to the taste;kind,gentle甜美的;(又解)友好的,温柔的。
△H.VIII.2. 1. 77: “Make of your prayers one sweet sacrifice,/ And lift my soul to heaven.”请用你们的祈祷做一次温馨的奉献,使我的灵魂得以升天。
3. amiable,highly attractive,charming可爱的,非常动人的,迷人的。
△Mid. 4. 1. 52(47):“Seest thou this sweet sight?”你可看见这动人的场面了吗?
△Mid. 5. 1. 329(321):“She hath spied him already with those sweet eyes ”她那一双媚眼(又译:她那秋波)已经看见他了。
△3H.VI.2.542:“Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade To shepherds looking on their silly sheep / Than doth a rich embroidered canopy / To kings that fear their subjects’ treachery?”山楂丛罩在看护着驯良的羊群的牧羊人头上的那一片树阴,比起害怕臣民谋反的国王头上的那顶珍贵的锦绣华盖,岂不是更为可爱吗?
4. pleasing,welcome惹人喜欢的,受欢迎的。
△Rom. 15.96(92):“Now seeming sweet,” appearing welcome. 目前表面看来吃香。
5. gracious,kind,gentle,mild仁慈的,和蔼的,温柔的,温和的。
△Ham. 1. 2. 87: “’Tis sweet and commendable in your nature,Hamlet,”哈姆雷特,你天性温厚,大可称道。
△Lr. 2. 4. 193(190):“Your sweet sway”,你们的仁慈统治。
△Mid. 2. 2. 127: “Deserve a sweet look from Demetrius’ eye.”得到狄米特律斯一瞥温柔的眼光。
△H.V2. 2. 28:“Under the sweet shade of your government.”在陛下的仁政庇护之下。
△ H.V.4.Ch.39: “But freshly looks,and overbears attaint/ With cheerful semblance and sweet majesty.”而是看上去容光焕发,并且用高高兴兴的样子和慈祥而又高贵的仪表把疲劳压制下去。
△ H. VIII. 3. 2. 370 (369): “That sweet aspect of princes,”君主们的和颜悦色。
6. dear,lovely (表示亲昵用词)亲爱的,可爱的。
△Tw.2.3. 143 (131):“Sweet Sir Toby,be patient for tonight.”亲爱的托比爵士,今晚切少安毋躁。
△L. L. L. 1. 1.267:“thy sweet Grace’s officer”,敬爱的陛下的警吏。
△ 2H.IV.1.1.162: “Sweet Earl,divorce not wisdom from your honour,” 好伯爵,不要让智慧离开你的荣誉。
△H. V. 2. 1. 126(120): “Sweet men,come to him.”好人们哪,来看看他吧。
△1H.VI. 2. 5. 41:“sweet stem from York’s great stock.” 约克家族伟大根干的可爱枝条。
△1H. VI. 4. 1. 81 :“Sweet Henry. favour him.”亲爱的亨利王,支持他吧。
△3H vi. 1. 3.18: “Sweet Clifford. hear me speak before I die.”亲爱的克利福,请在我死以前听我说一句话。
△3H. vi. 1. 4. 147: “These tears are my sweet Rutland’s obsequies.”我这些眼泪就是为亲爱的鲁特兰举行的葬礼。
△3H.VI. 2. 1. 61:“The ruthless Queen gave him to dry his cheeks / A napkin steeped in the harmless blood / Of sweet young Rutland.”狠心的王后用那块浸过可爱的小鲁特兰的无辜鲜血的手帕给他擦干脸上的泪水。
△ 3H. VI. 5. 5. 62: “How sweet a plant have you untimely cropped!”多么可爱的一棵小苗苗,被你们过早地砍掉了!
7. perfumed洒了香水的,熏香的。
△ Shr. Ind. 1. 38:“Wrapped in sweet clothes,”穿上熏香了的衣服。
8. smooth 顺利的。
△H.V.4.3.85:“that their souls/ May make a peaceful and a sweet retire / From off these fields.”以便他们的灵魂可以平安顺利地脱离战场,返回故乡。
△3H. VI. 2. 3. 40:“Yet that Thy brazen gates of heaven may ope /And give sweet passage to my sinful soul!”至少,你那不朽的天国之门可以打开,让我这有罪的灵魂可以顺利通过!
Phrases :
sweet and twenty: ❶ (term of endearment) sweetand twenty times sweet,very sweet,darling二十倍的亲密,亲亲。
❷sweet and twenty years old双十娇娃。
❸sweet kisses and twenty(= a great number) of them二十个亲密的吻。
△Tw.2.3.54(51): “Then come kissme,sweet and twenty;”来吻我吧,你这双十娇娃(又译:二十倍的亲密)。
sweet marjoram: a herb which was said to be a reme-dy for diseases of the brain香墨角兰(一种薄荷属植物,过去认为能治脑病),(又译)香薄荷。
△Lr.4.6.95(93):“Sweetmarjoram.”(Used as a password by Edgar.)香墨角兰。(按:此处用做口令。)
sweet mouth: sweet tooth (with an implication ofwantonness) 爱甜食(兼有轻佻、放荡之意)。
△Gent.3.1.333(327): “She hath a sweet mouth.”她有一张甜嘴。


△Rom.2.2.187:“Would I weresleep and peace,so sweet to rest!” i.e.I wish I were asleep and at peace,to rest so sweetly. 我希望也能睡眠和安静,得到这样甜蜜的休息!
2. kindly,gently 亲切地,温柔地。
△Rom.2.2.72:“Look thou but sweet,” i.e. You have only to lookgently on me. 你只要对我温柔地看上一眼。
3. softly,gently. blandly,benignly柔和地,温柔地,温和地,吉祥地。
△3H.VI.5.2.48:“Sweet rest his soul!”愿他的灵魂安息!


◇be sweet on sb.非常喜欢
have a sweet tooth喜欢吃甜食
keep sb. sweet取悦某人
‖sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour元宵
sweet spot棒头击球面的中心点
sweeten v. 变甜,加糖,行贿
sweetener n.sweetheart n. 心肝,宝贝,恋人
sweetness n.甜味
sweet-shooting how无反弹力的弓





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