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单词 well


1. in good health(身体)好好的,健康的。
△Ado.2.3.28(26): “One woman is fair,yet I am well;”i.e. it doesme no harm. 一个女人长得漂亮,我该怎么样还怎么样。
△2H.IV.1.1.137: “In poison there is physic. andthese news(i.e. this news),Having been well (i.e.if I had been in good health),that would have mademe sick,/ Being sick (i.e. now I am sick),have insome measure made me well.”在毒品中也有药力,在我身体健康时,这个足以使我病倒的消息,在我现在有病时却倒在一定程度上使我痊愈。
2. (used of the dead) at rest,free from the cares ofthe world,happy (用于死者)安息,无忧无虑,幸福。
△Rom.4.5.75:“you love your child so ill / That yourun mad,seeing that she is well.”你看她已经得到幸福,却这样发疯,你这样爱你的孩子很不对。
well. ad.
1. in a good or satisfactory manner好好地,满意地。
△R.III.2.4.71:“and so betide to me / As well I tender you and all of yours!”我只有好好照顾你和你的家人,跟你同命运了!
2. plainly清楚地。
△Ham.4.7.5:“It well appears.”这是一清二楚了。
3. very likely,no doubt很可能地,无疑地。
△Mac.5.2.5: “Near Birnam wood / Shall we well meet them; that way are they coming.”在伯南姆森林附近,我们很可能要碰上他们;他们正在从那条路上过来。
as well as: both ... and 不仅…而且。
△ R.III.2.2.130: “As well the fear of harm,as harm apparent,/In my opinion,ought to be prevented.”不仅实际上的危害,而且担心中的危害,在我看来,都应该加以防止。
well advised: in one's right mind头脑清醒,精神正常。
△L.L.L.5.2.435 (434): “And were you well ad-vised?”你当时是否头脑清醒的?
well be with you: Well be it with you! God send youwell!祝福各位! (又译)上帝保佑你们!
△Ham.2.2.408(380):“Well be with you,gentlemen!”祝福你们,诸位先生!
well derived: well-born,well-descended出身高贵的,出自名门的。
△Mid.1.1.99:“I am,my lord,as well derived as he,”大人,我的门第与他一般高贵。
well fitted: well furnished充分具备的。
△L.L.L.2.1.45:“Well fitted in arts,”在文科方面十分擅长。
well known: in one's real person露出本人真相,明目张胆。
△L.L.L.5.2.302 (301): “as well known as dis-guised”,不管是改头换面,还是现出真身。
well met: an old complimentary greeting(一种古老的见面问候语)幸会,来得好。
△As.3.3. 68 (64):“Sir Oliver
Martext,you are well met.”奥利佛·马尔台克斯先生,您来得太巧了。
well placed: well said说得好。
△H.V.3.7.133(118):“Well placed:there stands your friend for the devil.”说得好:你的朋友这么一来就成为魔鬼了。
well said: ❶i.e. well done说得好,(转指)干得好。
△Oth.2.1.168(167): “He takes her by the palm:ay,well said,whisper.”他捏着她的手心;对,好得很,还说悄悄话。
△Oth.5.1.98: “O,that's well said : thechair.”啊,来得好,担架。
△H.VIII.1.4. 30:“Well said,my lord.”做得好,大人。
❷i.e. well done; bravo! 说得好,(指)干得好;好啊! 好样的!
△1H.IV.5.4. 75: “Wellsaid,Hal! To it,Hal!”好啊,哈尔! 上啊,哈尔!
△As.2.6.14(13):“Well said,thou look'st cheerly.”好,你看上去像是振作的样子。
△Oth.4.1.115(114):“Go to,wellsaid,well said.”说下去,很好,很好。
well seen: obvious明显的。
△2H.VI.3.2.185: “And'tis well seen he found an enemy.”他显然是碰上了一个敌人。
well shipped: in a well-built ship在建造坚固的船里。
△Oth.2.1.47:“Is he well shipped?”他那只船建造得坚固吗?
well suited: well dressed,i.e. in several dresses.装裹得很不错,(指)穿上了几套衣服。
△Ado.5.1.235 (225):“and,by my troth(= on my honour),there's onemeaning well suited.”而且,老实说,是一个意思穿上了几套不同的衣服。
well to live: alive and well,well to do活得好好的,生活还过得去。
△Mer.2.2.55 (53):“God be thanked,wellto live.”感谢上帝,生活还过得去。
well-a-day interj. (exclamation expressing fear andsorrow) ah,lo,alas,woe(表示恐惧和悲伤的感叹词)啊!看哪! 唉呀! 哀哉!
△H.V.2.1.38 (36):“O well-a-day,Lady,”啊,唉呀,圣母娘娘呀。
△Wiv.3.3.106 (99): “Owell-a-day,Mistress Ford,having an honest man toyour husband,to give him such cause of suspicion!”唉呀,福德太太,有这么一个好人做你的丈夫,你竟还惹得他这样对你不放心!
△Tw.4.2.119 (108): “Well-a-day that youwere,sir!”唉呀,但愿你是(神志清醒)!
△Rom.4.5. 15:“O well-a-day,that ever I was born!”唉哟,我还活着干什么呀!


n.井 adv.好,对,令人满意地,适当
◇ be well of =be well off=be well to do 富裕
be well reputed 名声好
be well under way 进行中
be well up in (on)对…很熟悉,通晓
let well alone 感到满意
well and good 确实,的确
‖ well and truly 准确地,确实地
well-balanced game 技术全面的打法
well card 无忧卡
well chosen 恰当
well-coordinated offensive配合很好的进攻
well deck 船台甲板
well-defined axiom 精确规定的公理
well defined power and responsibility 权责明确
well determined truth value 明确规定的真值
well done 做得好
well experienced 经验丰富
well fed 营养充足
well formed definition 合式定义
well formed formulation 合式的公式化
well formed formula 合式的公式
well formed part 合式部分
well-informed 灵通
well-known saying of a famous person 名人名言
well-known trademark 驰名商标
well matched 般配
well-ordered principle 良序原则
well-ordered set 良序集
well-ordering theorem 良序化定理
well organized 精心组织
well-organized plan 周密计划
well out 打得好
well-placed surprise hunt 落点好的突袭触击球
well planned 周密部署
well posed problem 适定的问题
well-read 博览群书
well-rounded game 多变的打法,充分
well-to-do level 小康水平
well-to-do society 小康社会
well-balanced adj. 匀称的,正常的,意识健全的
well-behaved adj.规矩的
well-being adj.康乐,安宁,福利
well-beloved adj.尊敬的 n.深受爱戴的人
well-bred adj. 有教养
well-built adj. 体型匀称的,体格健美的
well-connected adj. 精 心 构 思 的
well-defined adj. 定义明确的,明确的
well-designed adj.构思巧妙的
well-doer n.善人,有德性的人
well-doing n. 善事,善举
well-fixed adj.有钱的
well-formed adj.合式的
well-founded adj.有根据的,有理由的,理由充足的
well-heeled adj. 富有的
well-intentioned adj. 好意的,出于善意的
well-known adj.有名的,著名的
well-lined adj.装满钱的,钱多的
well-ordered adj. 良序的
well-paid adj.工资高的(工作),收入高的(人)/well-regulated adj.井然有序的,有规则的
well-rounded adj.技术全面的,多彩多姿 的
well-to-do adj. 富裕的
well-turned adj.姿态优美的





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