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单词 prayer
释义 prayer /prea (r); prer/ n 1 [U] act of praying to God: 祈禧; 祷吿 r He knelt down in ~. 他跪下祷吿。 2 [U] form of church worship: 敎堂之祈祥式: Morning/Evening P~. 早 (晚) 祷。 3 [C] form of words used in praying: 祈祷文: the Lord's P~. 主祷文。 → lord; request or petition (spoken or unspoken) to God: 对上帝之恳求或祈祷 (包括说出或未说出的) say one's ~s; 祈祷; 祷吿; family ~ ; 家庭祷吿; a ~ for rain. 求雨。 ,■~-book n book containing ~s for use in church services, etc. 祈祷书。 the,P~ Book, (also called 亦称作 Book of Common P ~) the one used in Church of England services. (英国国敎的) 祈福书。 '~-meeting n meeting at which those present offer up ~s to God in turn. 祈祷会 (参加者轮流向神祈祷) 。 ' ~- rug/-mat n small rug used by Muslims to kneel on when they pray.. 回敎徒跪下祈借时所用的小块毡子 (塾子) 。 ' ~- wheel n revolving cylinder inscribed with or containing ~s, used by the Buddhists of Tibet. (西藏喇嘛教徒所用的) 祈褚轮; 地蔵车。




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