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单词 power
释义 power /'paua(r); 'paua/ n 1 [U] (in living things, persons) ability to do or act: (生物或人之)做事或行动的能力: It is not within/It is beyond/out side my ~ to help you, I am unable, or am not in a position, to do so, 我没有能力帮助你。 This animal, the chameleon, has the ~ of changing its colour. 变色蜥蜴这种动物能变更自体的颜色。 I do everyan electric circuit. 电插座。 5 [U] right; control; authority: 权; 权力; 势力: the ~ of the law; 法律的力量; the ~ of Congress; 国会的权力; have a person in one's ~, be able to do what one wishes with him; 能右一个人; have ~ over sb; 对某人有控制力; Spain at the height of her ~; 全盛时期的西班牙; fall into sb's ~. 落入某人的控制中。 in ~, (of a person or political party) in office. (指人或政党) 当权; 秉政。 ~ politics, diplomacy backed by force, 以武力为后盾的外交; 权力政治; 强权政治。 6 [C] right possessed by, or granted to, a person or group of persons: (个人或团体所获有的) 权限; 职权: Are the ~s of the Prime Minister defined by law? 首相的权限法律有明文规定吗? The President has exceeded his ~s, has done more than he has authority to do. 总统已逾越他的职权。 7 [C] person or organization having great authority or influence: 很有权力或影响力的人或组织; 当权者: Is the press a great ~ in your country? Are the newspapers influential, etc? 贵国的报黛有很大的影响力吗? the ~s that be, (hum) those who are in authority. (谐) 当局。 8 [C] State having great authority and influence in international affairs. 强国。 the Great P~ s, the largest and strongest States. 初强。 9 [C] (maths) result obtained by multiplying a number or quantity by itself a certain number of times: (数学) 乘另; 乘澈专: the second, third, fourth, etc ~ of x (- x1, x‘,x,, etc); x 的二次、三次、四次等幕; the fourth ~ of 3 (=3x3x3x3 = 81). 三的四次寡 (= 81)。10 [U] capacity to magnify: 放大力: the ~ of a lens; 透镜的放大力; a telescope of high ~. 高倍望远镜。 11 (colloq) large number or amount: (俗) 许多; 大家 This brandy is doing me a ~ of good! 这种白兰地酒对我助益甚大。 12 [C] god, spirit, etc: 神; 幽灵; 鬼怪: Preserve us from the ~s of darkness. 保佑我们不受魔鬼的侵害。 powered adj having, able to exert or produce, mechanical energy: 有动力的; 能产生机械力的: a new aircraft ~ed by Rolls Royce engines; 一架以劳斯莱斯引擎为动力的新飞机; 0 high- ~ed car; 一部大马力引击的汽车; (fig) (喻) a high- ~ed salesman, one with great ~s of persuasion, 很有说服力的推销员。 thing in my ~ to help. 我愿(就我的能力范围内) 尽量协助。 2 (pl) faculty of the body or mind: (复)体力; 智力; 精力: His ~ sare failing, He is becoming weak. 他的体力在衰退中。 You are taxing your ~ 5 too much. 彳尔在耗费太多的精力。 He's a man of great intellectual ~s. 也是“任大智者。 3 [U] strength; force: 力; 力气: the ~ of a blow.— 诳; £ 力。 More ~ to your elbow! (phrase used to encourage sb). 努力做!祝你成功!(用以鼓励人的片语)。 4 [U] energy of force that can be used to do w6rk: 动力; 机力: 'water ~; 水力; e'lectric ~. 电力。 'horse ~, chorse, (attrib) (形容用法) ' ~-lathe/-loom/-mill, operated by mechanical ~, not by hand labour. 动力车床(织布机,磨坊)。 '~-boat, one with an engine; motorboat (esp one used for racing; or towing water-skiers). 汽艇(尤指比赛或拖曳滑水者所用之汽艇)。 '~-dive vt, adj (put an aircraft into a) steep dive with the engines working. (使飞机)动力俯冲; 开油门俯冲。 '■house/-station, building where electric ~ is generated for distribution. 发电所。 '~point, socket on a wall, etc for a plug to connect




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