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wayn. 1. road,path道路,小道。 △H.V.1.2.208:“as manyways meet in one town;”也像许多不同的道路都通向一个城镇。 △3H.VI.3.2.176: “Seeking a way and strayingfrom the way,”一方面寻找出路,一方面迷失道路。 2. i.e. only way: course,means,method惟一道路;(又解)行动方针,手段,方法。 △R.III.1.1.78: “I think it isour way,/If we will keep in favour with the King,/To be her men and wear her livery.”我想,如果我们要保持国王的宠信,惟一的道路是去做她的佣人、穿上她的制服。 3. way of life. course of life,calling生活方式,生活经历,职业。 △H.VIII.1.3.61: “Men of his way should bemost liberal,/They are set here for examples”.具有他那样阅历的人也应该非常大方才是,他们是为世人树立榜样的。 4. method方法。 △Tw.3.4.122(108): “Prithee holdthy peace. this is not the way.”请你别闹了,这不是个办法。 5. proper course of thought恰当的思路。 △Oth.4.1.195(186): “Nay,that's not your way.”i.e. That's notwhat you should be thinking of now.不,你不该这样想。 6. respect,point of view方面,着眼点。 △3H.VI.3.2.87:“One way or other,she is for a king,”不管从这一方面或那一方面看,她都该属于一个国王。 7. tendency,character,nature 倾向,特性,本性。 △H.VIII.3.1.156(157):“The way of our professionis against it;”我们职业的性质不允许如此。 8. free scope. freedom of action自由活动范围,行动自由。 △H.VIII.1.1.132:“Anger is like/A full hot horse,who being allowed his way,/Self-mettle tires him.”愤怒像是一匹烈性的马,倘若由着它不管,它自己的性子就会使它筋疲力尽。 9. (biblical usage) way of religious thinking,religiousbelief(《圣经》用语)道,宗教信仰。 △H.VIII.5.1.26:“But. sir,sir,/ Hear me. Sir Thomas,Y'are agentleman/Of mine own way;” (Gardiner and Lov-ell are both against the religious doctrines of the Lu-therans.)但是,先生,先生,听我说,托马斯爵士,你是和我志同道合的人,(按:安·波琳是新教徒,嘉德纳和罗弗尔反对新教。) 10.❶path路。 ❷condition,i.e. virginity状况(指保持童贞)。 △H.VIII.2.3.41: “I would not be a youngcount in your way/For more than blushing comesto.”我可不愿意做一个年轻伯爵在路上遇到你这样的人(双关:碰上你这样一心保持童贞的人),因为我要的不光是脸上羞红一阵就算了。(按:此语后半句较费解。) Phrases: any way: in any respect在任何方面。 △H.VIII.3.1.55 (56):“Nor to betray you any way to sorrow -”也不是要使你在任何方面遭受愁苦。 give bold way to: give full scope to 充分发挥,充分运用。 △2H.IV.5.2. 82: “I gave bold way to myauthority,/ And did commit you.”我斗胆运用我的权威.把你关进监牢。 give him way: let him go his own way. let him go 让他自己去吧。 △Lr.2.4.301 (298): “ ’Tis best to givehim way,he leads himself.“最好随他去吧.他是自有主张的。 go thy way:run along 走开。 △ Tw.1.5.28 (26):“Well,go thy way,”好,去你的吧。 go your ways: go,move away,get along,be off 走,离开,走开,去。 △H. VIII.2.4.131 (134): “Go thy ways.Kate.”你去吧.凯蒂。 in one’s way: forming obstacle or impediment. i.e.obstructin g …,hindering … 阻碍着(某人),妨碍着(某人)。 △2H.VI.2.3.99 (95):“Take away his weapon.Fellow,thank God and the good wine in thy master’sway.” i.e,which prevented your master from fightingproperly.拿掉他的武器。汉子,你该感谢上帝和那妨碍着你师傅施展本领的好酒。 in the way: at hand 在旁边,在附近。 △Gent.1.2.37(39):“He would have given it you,but I,being in theway. / Did in your name receive it:”他本来想要当面交给你,可是路上遇到了我,我就替你收下了。 in way of: as regards 至于,在…方面。 △Lr.2.2.20(19): “one that wouldst be a bawd. in way of goodservice.”说到侍候人.愿意去当黾奴。 keep your way: keep going 走你自己的路。 △H.VIII.2.4.126(129): “What need you note it? pray you keep your way;”你何必去理它? 请你走自己的路。 make one’s way: win advancement for one 为…赢得进身之阶。 △H.VIII.1.1.64:“The force of his own meritmakes his way.”他是凭着自己的本领发迹出头的。 out of the way: misplaced. mislaid. gone astray.missing 放错了地方,丢失了,误入歧途,失踪了。 △Oth.3.4.81 (80):“Is’t lost? Is’t gone? Speak,is’t out o’the way?”它丢了吗? 不见了吗? 说,它迷失了吗? stand in the way for; be the hindrance or obstructionof 构成…的妨碍或障碍。 △ H.V.5.2.354 (327):“so themaid that stood in the way for my wish shall show methe way to my will.”这么一来,原本阻挡我乘胜夺取城市的那位姑娘倒又给我引路,使我如愿以偿了。 this way: in this respect 在这方面。 △H. VIII.2.2.69(68):“Our breach of duty this way / Is business of es-tate;”我们在这方面失敬,是为了国事。 way of life: course of life 人生历程。 △Mac.5.3.22:“my way of life Is fallen into the sere. the yellowleaf.”我的生涯已经陷入枯萎,像一片黄叶。 way[wei]n. 方法,方向 ◇ a long way out 很不准确,相距甚远 all the way 从远处,自始至终 be in a bad way 处于困境 by the way 顺便说,在途中 by way of取道 come up with new and better ways to do things 献计献策 cut both ways 有利有弊 force one’s way 强行前进 from way back 从远处,彻底,完全 from way before 很长时间,很久以前 have a way with 对…有办法,说服,能够领导 have one’s own way 为所欲为,随心所欲 in a family way=in the family way 怀孕 in a general way 一般,普遍 in a planned way 有计划 in a small way 小规模 in a way在某点上,有几分,稍微 in the way 挡道,妨碍 in the way of 阻碍…,试图做…,在…方面,在…之中 on the way 在路上 on the way out 即将过时 out of the way 够不着,偏僻的,不恰当,异常 Pay the way for 为…铺平道路 the other way round 相反 the right way正确 This way,please.请这边走,请跟我来。/under way 前进着,进行中 way back when 从很久以前 way behind 远远落在后面 ‖ all-the-way guidance 全程制导,全程寻的 all the-way tracking 全程跟踪 all-way airfield 多跑道飞机场 one-way analysis of variance 一因子变数分析 one-way communication 单向沟通 one-way relation 单向关系 one-way screen 单面银幕 way bill checking 核对货运单 way bill 运货单,货运提单 way farer 行路人 way in 入口 way leave 通行权 way measurement 弹道测定 way of leading 领导风格 way of the golden mean 中庸之道,行业,方式 way out 生路,出口 way-out trade沿途贸易 way side 路旁 way up 身体向上 ways and means advances 纳税预付方式 ways and means of finance fund 财政资金筹措办法 ways and means of taxation 赋税方法 ways and means 筹款方法,纳税方法 ways to make arrangement for …安置办法… |