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诗文 孙中山三莅津门


伟大的革命先行者孙中山,曾经3次莅临津门。光绪二十年五月(1894年6月),中日甲午战争不久,28岁的孙中山偕好友陆皓东,从上海乘船第一次来到天津。寄宿法租界佛照楼旅馆。托人《上李鸿章书》,“以陈时势之得失” ; 并想面见李鸿章,提出要求改革的思想,遭到李鸿章的拒绝。从而丢掉了对腐败没落的清朝统治的幻想,开始走上革命救国之路。
1912年1月1日,中华民国临时大总统孙中山,在南京宣誓就职,宣告临时政府成立。孙中山让位、袁世凯在北京就任临时大总统后,邀请孙中山赴京。1912年8月23日,孙中山自沪乘“安平轮” ,第2次抵达天津,下榻利顺德饭店。24日,孙中山出席由同盟会燕支部在广东会馆举行的欢迎大会,并向800余人发表演说。之后,孙中山又来到河北公园,向天津市民发表了演讲,阐述了自己的救国纲领。并参加了官绅在劝工陈列所举行的欢迎会。1912年8月24日14点40分,孙中山由津乘专车赴京。
1924年10月,冯玉祥发动了北京政变,北京政权落入了冯玉祥和张作霖之手,段祺瑞被拥为“临时总执政” 。冯玉祥给孙中山打电报,邀他北上共商国是。段祺瑞和张作霖也联名打电报,邀请孙中山北上。在孙中山抵津前夕,国民党员40余人,先期到津,设立国民党天津事务所。
经过反复思考,孙中山于10月27日回电冯玉祥,表示“拟即日北上” 。同时,孙中山作了两方面安排: 一是筹备北上; 二是抓紧北伐的军事准备。11月10日,他发表了阐述时局的《北上宣言》。


12月8日,孙中山在津发表宣言,指出: 国民革命的目的仍然是为人民的利益,谋中国之自由与独立; 为了国家之统一与重新建设。他再次呼吁,召开国民会议。并草拟了建国意见25条。
Sun Yat-sen,who was a great pioneer of the Revolutionof 1911,had been to Tianjin for three times. In June1894,28-year-old Sun,accompanied by his friend LuHaodong,came first to Tianjin from Shanghai by ship,lodging themselves in Fozhaolou Hotel. He forwardeda letter to Governor-General Li Hongzhang,in whichhe deliberated the current situation and expressed hishope for a meeting with Li; besides,he also put forthsuggestions to reform the Qing government. But Sun`ssuggestions was refused by Li (someone held that Sunhad met Li). After that,Sun lost his patience and beliefin Qing Dynasty and he began to take revolutionaryactivities.
On January 1,1912,the provisional presidentSun Yat-sen swore in office in Nanjing,declaring thefounding of the provisional government. When Sunplanned to resign,he put forward that Yuan Shikaiassumes office in Nanjing. However,to reject assumingoffice in Nanjing,Yuan plotted the mutiny of 1912. TheNanjing provisional government had to give in and YuanShikai then assumed office in Beijing. After that,Yuaninvited Sun to Beijing.
On August 23,1912,upon invitation of Yuan,SunYat-sen reached Tianjin by "Anping" ship and stayed atAstor Hotel.
On August 24,Sun attended the welcomingceremony held by Yanzhi Branch of the FederalAssociation of China in Guangdong Assembly Hall. Hemade a speech to an audience of more than 800 people.After that,Sun also attended the welcome ceremonyheld in Quangong Exhibition. At 14:40 in August24,1912,Sun Yat-sen arrived at Beijing from Tianjinby a special train. In September 22,1912,Sun Yat-sen returned to Tianjin via Baoding and still stayed atAstor Hotel. In September 23,he attended the welcomeceremony held by Cantonese in Tianjin and more than600 people attended the ceremony. In September 24,Sunwent to Shanhaiguan for investigation.
In September 25,1912,Sun returned to Tianjin afterthe investigation in Shanhaiguan and stayed the night onthe train. In the morning of September 26,he went to thesouth.
In December 1,1924,after Duan Qirui assumedoffice as the president in Beijing,he invited Sun Yat-sento "discuss the politics of the nation" in Beijing. BeforeSun arrived in Tianjin,more than 40 members of KMTarrived at Tianjin to set up Tianjin Branch of KMT.
In December 4,1924,Sun Yat-sen arrived in Tianjinfrom Shanghai via Hyogo in Japan by a Japanese shipBeiling. He was greatly welcomed by people from allwalks of life in Tianjin. He stayed at Zhang Garden inJapanese concession.
Xu Shiying,the representative of Duan Qirui,andall VIPs of the headquarters of the zhenwei Army hadplanned to hold a tea party to welcome Sun Yat-sen inPeople`s Hotel at eight o`clock in the night. They hadsent special invitation letters to officials of Tianjin toattend the ceremony as companies. However,the Frenchconsulate does not allow the ceremony to be held inPeople`s Hotel because Sun advocates that concessionsshould be taken back.
At eight O`clock,the French consulate allowed theholding of the welcome ceremony after the police chiefYang Yide went to the French consulate to explain thatit was only a welcome ceremony and would not affectthe order of the concession. Because of illness,Sun Yat-sen did not attend the ceremony and he sent Sun Ke andWang Jingwei as his representatives in the ceremony.However,most of the guests had left before eight o`clock.After recollection efforts of Xu Shiying and Yang Yide,the ceremony formally started at 9:30.
First Xu Shiying addressed the welcome speechrepresenting Duan Qirui. Following the speech of XuShiying,Wang Jingwei addressed the speech for thanks.The ceremony ended at ten o`clock.
In December 8,Sun Yat-sen issued a declarationin Tianjin. He pointed out that the purpose of thenational revolution was to seek for the benefit of thepeople and freedom and dependence of the nation. Forthe unification and reconstruction of China,he againappealed for the holding of people`s assembly.
In December 18,Tianjin held a welcome ceremonyfor Sun Yat-sen. Chairpersons for revolutionary bodiessuch as Yu Fangzhou,Jianghao and Deng Yingchao etcattended the ceremony. However,Sun did not attend itbecause of his illness. In the ceremony,Tianjin branch ofthe Communist Party proposed to set up Tianjin People`sAssembly Promotion Union.
When Sun Yat-sen stayed at Zhang Garden,thephotographer of Dingzhang Photo Studio Li Yaotingtook pictures for Sun.
In December 31,Sun arrived in Beijing despiteof his illness. He dispatched leaflets on the station andclaimed that he came to Beijing "especially for savingthe nation with the people".






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