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诗文 水雷学堂创立


清光绪二年 (1876)四月,李鸿章向朝廷奏称: “水雷为海防需要,已延请西士,选募生童,就局内 (即北洋机器局东局)添设电气水雷局,教练一切。”这个 “电气水雷局” 中的水雷局,即为天津机器总局附设的水雷学堂。
天津水雷学堂培养出大批电器水雷的技术人才,并在清光绪二十年 (1894)中日甲午战争中,发挥了很好的作用。如蔡连干,曾赴美国留学,回国后在天津水雷学堂继续学习,毕业后在大沽炮台鱼雷艇队任职,甲午海战时,他指挥鱼雷参战,毁伤敌舰多艘。宣统三年(1911),升任海军部军制司长,翌年授海军中将衔,任总统府高等军事顾问。
天津水雷学堂开办以后,大沽、大连、威海等地,才相继办起了水雷学堂。所以天津水雷学堂是中国第一所水雷学堂,也系洋务派在北方创办技工专门学校之始。以后又陆续创办了电报学堂(1880年10月) 、北洋水师学堂(1881年8月)、北洋武备学堂(1885年初)、北洋海军医学堂(1881年)等新式学堂。



Torpedo School was the first technical school establishedduring the Westernization Movement in Tianjin.
As the founder of Beiyang Fleet,Li Hongzhangwas in need of torpedoes. He set up Tianjin Arsenalwhich was specialized in torpedo production. By thenthe Arsenal was able to yield various torpedoes such ascontact torpedo of 500-pound powder,sunk torpedo,electric torpedo of 1000-pound powder,and bombof 150 to 700-pound powder. Consequently,TorpedoSchool emerged for training technical personnel toproduce,manage and use these torpedoes.
In April,1876 (Guangxu AD 1876),Li reportedto the emperor,saying,"Torpedo is indispensable incoastal defense. We have set up electric torpedo bureauin Tianjin Arsenal. We have also employed foreignersto teach and recruit teenagers to study." This electrictorpedo bureau mentioned was in fact the torpedo school.
Torpedo,an exploder laid by naval vessels andplanes,could be applied to bomb out or block the enemyvessels,which is indispensable to navy just like mines toland battle.
Tianjin Torpedo School had trained manypreeminent technicians,who played important roles inthe Sino-Japanese War in 1894,such as Cai Liangan,who once studied in America and took a further study inTorpedo School. After graduation,he served at Da Gutorpedo team. In Sino-Japanese war,he commanded hisfleet and destroyed several vessels. In 1911 (XuantongAD 1911),Cai was promoted to naval commander,lieutenant general in 1912,and senior military consultantfor the president.
After the establishment of Tianjin Torpedo School,such schools were established in places like Da Gu,Da Lian and Wei Hai. It was the first torpedo schoolin China,and the pioneer of professional schools thatset up in the north as the result of the westernizationmovement. After that,there emerged Telegraph School(in October,1880),Beiyang Fleet School (in August,1881),Beiyang Defense School (early in 1885),andBeiyang Fleet Medical School (in 1881).






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