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单词 survey


n. oversight,control 监督,控制。
△1H.IV.5.4.81:“But thought’s the slave of life,and life,time’sfool,/ And time,that takes survey of all the world,Must have a stop.”i.e.But thoughts depend on life,and life is the plaything of time,and time,which o-versees and controls all the world,must come to an end. 但是思想是生命的奴隶,生命是时间的玩物,而时间,尽管它监督控制着全世界,总会有个尽头。


1.inspect,examine closely 检查,细查。
△1H.VI.1.3.1:“I am come to survey the Tower this day.”我今天来检查伦敦塔。
2. perceive,observe,notice 察觉,观察,看到。
△Mac.1.2.31:“But the Norweyan lord,surveying vantage,”挪威国王,看见有机可乘。
3. look on 观看。
△2H.VI.3.2.147: “And to surveyhis dead and earthy image,/ What were it but tomake my sorrow greater?”观看他那死去的和冰冷的形象,除了增加我的悲伤还会怎样?


v.视察,调查,概括,概观,纵览n. 调查
‖ survey agent检验代理人
survey clause检验条款
survey course概况课
survey feedback调查反馈
survey fees检验费
survey field调查范围
survey meter测量仪
survey method调查法
survey notes测量记录
survey of customs税关验货
survey of income and expenditure收支调查
survey of quality品质鉴定
Survey Officer检验主任
survey papers调查报告
survey procedure调查法
survey report on inspection of tank hold船舱鉴定证明书
survey report on quality品质鉴定证明书
survey report检验报告
survey research调查研究
survey taker信息员
survey team调查队,调查组
survey technique调查技术
survey weighting调查所用加权数
verification survey抽查
surveying and designing expenses勘察设计费
surveying instrument测量仪器
surveyable adj.surveyal n.surveying n.surveyor n.调查人,检验人,检查员,测量员
Surveyor Attendant测量服务员
surveyor general测绘局长
surveyor of customs海关验货员
surveyor of port海关检查员
Surveyor of Ships验船主任
surveyor of taxes税务检查员





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