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单词 resistance
释义 resistance /n'zistans; n'zistsns/ n ~ (to), 1 [U] (power of) resisting: 抵抗; 抵抗力: break down the enemy's ~; 粉碎敌人的抵抗; make/offer no/not much ~ to the enemy's advance; 弟于仗人的前进未作(未作)多少抵抗; drug ~; 抗药性; passive ~, → passive. 消极抵抗。 movement, (in an enemy-occupied country) effort made by groups of unconquered people to resist the invaders. (在敌人占领的国家中的)反抗侵略者运动。 24U] opposing force: 阻力: An aircraft has to overcome the ~ of the air. 飞机须克服空气的阻力。 of least ~, direction in which a force meets least opposition; (fig) easiest waor method. 阻力最小的方向; 最弱的抵抗力; (喻)最容易的方法。 3 [C, U] antagonism; desire to oppose: 敌对; 反对; 反抗之意志: 'su/es/ con'sumer ~, unwillingness of the public to buy goods offered for sale. 抵制 A good advertisement should not arouse ~ in the public. 好的广吿应该不会招致公众的反感。




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