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单词 respectable
释义 respectable /n'spektabl; n'spcktabl/ adj 1 (of persons) of good character and good social position; having the qualities associated with such social position; (of clothes, appearance, behaviour, etc) suitable for such persons: (指人)品格高尙而有社会地位的; 品行端正的; 有身份的; (指衣服、外表、 行为等)适于高尙人士的; 文雅的; 体面的: Are these clothes ~ enough for Mrs Whitehouse's party? 穿这种衣哄参加怀特豪斯太太家的宴会够体面吗? It is not considered ~ in this country to spit in public. 当众吐痰在这个国家被认为是不雅的。 2 (ironic use) (of behaviour, appearances, etc) conventional; likely to satisfy conventional people: (反语用法)(指举止、外表等)合乎习俗的; 保守的; 拘泥形式的; 可能使保守人士感到满意的: Need we worry quite so much about being ~? 我们需要如此拘泥形式吗? 3 of some size, merit, importance, etc; deserving respect: 相当大的; 相当优秀的; 相当重要的; 値得尊敬的: do sth from ~ motives. 出于値得尊敬的动机做某事。 He has quite ~ talents. 他很有才干。 There was a ~ attendance at the meeting this morning. 今天上午去开会的人相当多。 He earns a ~ income. 他的收人可观。 respectably /-sbli; -sbli/ adv in a ~ manner: 可尊重地; 端庄地; 适当地; 体面地: Go and get respectably dressed. 去好好地打扮一下。 respectability /rifSpektd'bibti; nzspEkta'bilati/ n [U] quality of being socially ~ (1, 2). 品格高尙; 有社会地位; 体面。




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