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单词 三五成群

三五成群sān wǔ chéng qún

in groups of three or five; in threes and fives; in small groups;in knots
❍ 许多学生,~地站在大厅门外看热闹。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—86) At the door of the hall,quite a number of curious students gathered in a crowd,looking on with interest.
❍ 残雪已消尽,麦苗已发绿,社员们男男女女,~,在田间开始春锄。(王汶石《风雪之夜》89) The last traces of snow had disappeared,the fields were green with young wheat,men and women co-op members in groups of threes and fives were starting the spring ploughing.
❍ 惹的乡下孩子们~跟着他笑,他也不放在意下。(《儒林外史》5) Small groups of village children would tag after him,laughing; but he did not mind them.
❍ 一队队的骑兵侦察员和~的骑兵通信员,从部队行列边的河槽里跑过去,马蹄嗒嗒嗒地响着。马蹄下溅出的火星,吸引住步兵战士的注意力。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》439) A troop of cavalry scouts and three or four mounted messengers cantered by along the river flats,the hoofs of horses drumming on the hard ground and striking sparks from the stones. The foot soldiers discussed the riders in low tones.

三五成群sān wǔ chénɡ qún

形容三个一群五个一伙地在一起。in knots, in three and fours, in small groups





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