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单词 suit


1. attendance (at the court of a liege lord) (在君主的宫廷里)恭候。
△L.L.L.5.2.847(839): “What humblesuit”,多么谦逊的等候。
2. lawsuit brought against a person,accusation起诉,控告。
△2H.IV.2.1.50(45): “I arrest you at the suit of Mistress Quickly.” 根据桂格来太太的起诉,我逮捕你。
△Tw.3.4.364(326): “Antonio,I arrest thee at thesuit of Count Orsino.”安东尼奥,根据奥西诺公爵的起诉,我逮捕你。
△Tw.5.1.285 (275):“He upon some actionIs now in durance. at Malvolio's suit.”i.e.under arrest at Malvolio's accusation 他为了一点案情,被马伏里奥所控告而被拘留了。
3. request,entreaty,pleading. petition请求,恳求,求情,祈求。
△L.L.L.5.2.129:“Despite of suit,”无论怎样请求。
△Mer.1.3.120(119):“moneys is your suit.”现在你来求我借钱。
△Mer.2.2.159(144):“ thou hast ob-tained thy suit.”我答应你的请求。
△As.1.2.194(181):“We will make it our suit to the Duke that the wrestling might not go forward.”我们愿意去请求公爵停止这一次摔跤比赛。
△Tw.1.2.43(45): “Because she will ad-mit no kind of suit.”因为她不肯接受任何请求。
△Ham.1.2.43:“You told us of some suit,what is't,Laertes?”你向我有过请求,是什么事呢,莱阿替斯?
△Oth.3.1.36(34): “My suit to her / Is that she will to virtuousDesdemona / Procure me some access.”我想求她为我设法去见一见贤德的苔丝狄蒙娜。
△ Oth.3.3.80:“Nay,when I have a suit/ Wherein I mean to touch yourlove indeed.”哼,我要是真有心测验你的爱情而对你有什么请求的话。
△2H.IV.4.1.75:“Which long ere this we of-fered to the King,/ And might by no suit gain ouraudience.”这些意见我们很久以前就向国王提出过,但无论怎样请求也得不到进谒的机会。
△H.VIII.1.1.10:“Half yoursuit / Never name to us; you have half our power.”你的一半请求,不必向我说出来;我的权力你本来就有 一半。
△H.VIII.1.1.185:“for I am sure the Emperor / Paidere he (i.e.Wolsey) promised,whereby his (i.e.theEmperor's) suit was granted / Ere it was asked,”因为我确信在主教答应什么之前,皇帝一定给过他一笔钱,因此他的请求在提出以前就已经得到同意了。
△H.VIII.1.2.197:“Made suit to come in 's (= his) presence:” (“my fa-ther”: Henry Stafford,second Duke of Buckingham. who was executed in 1483 for his rebellion against King Richard III of England)请求进见国王。
4. request made to a prince or statesman,petition at court,court-solicitation对君主或当政者的请求,宫廷请愿.宫廷恳求。
△R.III.3.7.62(63): “And in no worldly suits would he be moved,”他也不愿受到世俗请愿的打扰。
5. petition at court (by delivering which to the king the courtier could earn a fee)宫廷诉状。(廷臣将其转呈国王,便可赚得酬金。)
△Rom.1.4.79 (78): “And then dreams he of smelling out a suit;”于是他就梦到收取诉状酬金的滋味。
6. love-suit,wooing,courtship 求爱,求婚。
△Ado.2.1.79(74): “the first suit is hot and hasty,like a Scotch jig,and full as fantastical;”初次求婚是热烈而急促的,像是一曲苏格兰快步舞,而且同样地充满了幻想。
△Ado.2.1.366(349): “she mocks all her wooers out of suit.”她把那些向她求婚的人嘲笑得一个个都退缩回去了。
△Ado.3.2.103(99):“surely suit ill spent and labour ill bestowed!”可惜,看错了追求的对象,白费了一番心思气力!
△Rom.1.2.6:“But,now,my lord,what say you to my suit?”可是,老伯,您对我的求婚,有何见教呢?
△1H.VI.5.3.75:“How canst thou tell she will deny thy suit,/ Before thou make a trial of her love?”在你还没有试探一下她的感情之前,你怎么能说她会拒绝你的求婚呢?
7. words of love-suit or courtship求爱或求婚的话。
△H.V.5.2.131(127): “then if you urge me farther than to say‘Do you in faith?’ I wear out my suit.”如果你在“你真爱我吗”之外再进一步催问别的什么求爱的话,我就没词儿了。
8. petition for preferment. preferment 晋升的请求,晋升。
△1H.IV.1.2.80(71):“For obtaining of suits?” 为了得到肥缺吗?
9. suit of clothes. clothes. dress一套衣服,衣服,服装。
△1H.IV.1.2.81(72):“Yea. for obtaining of suits,”i.e.the clothes of an executed man,which went to the hangman. 是呀,等着要(死囚的)衣服。
suit of the camp: soldier's uniform 士兵的制服。
△H.V.3.6.83(77):“and a horrid suit of the camp”.i.e.a terrible soldier's uniform. 一身很能吓唬人的大兵制服.
10. ❶ request. petition请求,祈求。
△Tw.3.1.120(108): “But would you undertake another suit.”不过你若愿做别的请求。(又译:可是如果你肯为另外一个人求爱。)
11.❶ request.petition请求,祈求。
❷clothing. dress衣服.服装。
△As.2.7.44:“It is my only suit;”这是我惟一的要求(双关:惟 一的服装)。
12. ❶request. i.e. love suit. courtship请求,(指)求爱.求婚。
△As.4.1.89(86):“What,of my suit?”怎么,我说不出我的请求? (按:下文罗萨琳回答的上半句Not out of your apparel用
❷义,下半句 and yet out of your suit用❶义,意为:不是使你脱掉衣服,而是使你说不出你的请求。)
at suit of: at the entreaty of.i.e. because of在…的恳求之下,(意谓)由于,为了。
△Lr.2.2.66(62): “This ancient ruffian,sir,whose life I have spared at suitof his grey beard,”这个老流氓,大人,我饶了他一条命,为了他的灰白胡子。
in all suits: in every detail,in all points在每一个细节,在各方面。
△Shr.Ind.1.106:“And see him dressed in all suits like a lady;”让他浑身上下都打扮得像一个贵妇。
out of all suit: beyond the limits of proper behav-iour; past all propriety 不顾一切礼仪;(又解)一点也不恰当。
△L.L.L.5.2.276(275): “Berowne did swear himselfout of all suit.”俾隆发了许多毫不相干的誓言。
suit of pounds: petition for money 祈求金钱。
△H.VIII.2.3.82:“I have been begging sixteen yearsin court,/ Am yet a courtier beggarly,nor couldCome pat betwixt too early and too late / For any suit of pounds;”我在宫里求乞已经十六年了,现在还是个宫里的叫花子,可是多次祈求金钱,从来没有 一回不早不晚,正是时候,得到赏赐的。


1. fit,adapt. make conformable 使适合,使适应,使符合。
△ As.2.7.79: “Or what is he of basest function.That says his bravery is not on my cost,/ Thinkingthat I mean him,but therein suits / His folly to themettle of my speech?”一个从事最下贱职业的人,若是说他的漂亮服装并不是用我的钱做的,心想我指的就是他,这么一来,岂不是把他的愚蠢正好符合我的话了吗?
2. become,be adapted to 适宜,适于。
△As.1.2.283(266): “what he is indeed / More suits you to con-ceive than I to speak of.”他的为人究竟怎样,与其让我说,还不如让您自己去忖度吧。
3. clothe,dress 给…穿上衣服,替…打扮起来。
△H.V.4.2.53: “Description cannot suit itself in words”,i.e.Description cannot find suitable words for itself.要形容却找不到合适的言语。
△As.1.3.119(116):“suit me allpoints like a man”,i. e. dress myself in all points likea man. 把我自己完全打扮得像个男人。
~ vi.
1.agree,accord,match,coincide 一致,符合,相配,相符。
△ Ado.5.1.7:“But such a one whose wrongs do suitwith mine.”除非他所遭到的不幸和我的一样。
△H.V.1.2.16: “opening titles miscreate,whose right / Suits notin native colours with the truth;”提出什么不合法的名分,而那种要求在实质上与真理并不符合。
2. accord,be suitable 符合,适合。
△Tw.3.4.6: “Andsuits well for a servant with my fortunes.”很适合于做像我这样处境的人的仆人。
suit with: match 比得上,和…相配。
△Tw.1.2.48(50):“thou hast a mind that suits / With this thy fair andoutward character.”你有一颗心配得上你那美好的外表。


◇ be suited to合适
conduct a suit起诉
in one’s birthday suit赤身裸体
suit oneself按自己意愿做事
uit the action to the word说到做到
suit the exigence应急
suit the medicine to the illness对症下药
‖bathing suit游泳衣
black suit黑色西服
body suit紧身胸衣连三角裤
coat suit外套套装
dress suit大礼服
immunit y from suit诉讼豁免
man’s suit男服
skirt suit裙装
union suit连衫裤
suitability n.合适,适当,相配,适宜性
suitable adj.合适的,适宜的
suitable candidate合适人选
suitably adv. 合适地,适宜地,相称地
suitableness n.合适,相称
suitcase n.手提箱
suitor n.起诉者,求婚者,请愿者





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