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单词 徒有虚名

徒有虚名tú yǒu xū míng

enjoy an unwarranted reputaion; not live up to one’s name; nominal
❍ 朕听说你平日讲学常讲天理人欲,~! (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—794) You often lecture about the laws of nature and the desires of men,but it seems that is all just words…/对于没有科学态度的人,对于只知背诵马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林著作中的若干词句的人,对于~并无实学的人,你们看,象不象?(《毛泽东选集》758) Is this not an apt description of those who do not have a scientific attitude,who can only recite words and phrases from the works of Marx,Engels,Lenin and Stalin and who enjoy a reputation unwarranted by any real learning?/我知道赵伯韬肯放款子,就可惜我这‘红头火柴’徒负虚名,和这位财神爷竟没有半面之交! (茅盾《子夜》493) I know Zhao Botao gives loans right and left,but I haven’t lived up to my name ‘Red-tipped Match’ by striking up acquaintance with that God of Wealth.


have an underserved(or unearned)reputation

徒有虚名tú yǒu xū mínɡ

形容只有虚名,并没有什么真本事。enjoy undeserved fame, nominal





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