释义 |
speechn. speaking,conversation,talk说话,会话,谈话。 △Oth.2.3.227 (225):“Montano and myself being in speech.”蒙太诺和我正在谈话。 △Ado.5.2.2:“helpingme to the speech of (= conversation with) Beatrice.”帮助我和贝特丽丝见面谈谈话。 former speeches: what one has been saying刚才讲的话。 △Mac.3.6.1:“My former speeches have but hityour thoughts,”我刚才讲的话正符合你的想法。 speech言语见language条。 speech[spi:tʃ]n.演说,语言能力,言论,言语,言词,专用语 ◇deliver a speech演讲,演说 give speech to说出 have speech of和…谈话 make a speech演说,演讲 ‖ a closing speech闭幕词/a warm speech热情洋溢的演说 an after-dinner speech晚餐后的致辞 an opening speech开幕词 answering speech答词 ceremonial speech礼节用语 colloquial speech 口语 context-free speech与上下文无关语言 figurative speech比喻语 finger speech手语 free speech言论自由 holiday speeches奉承话 key-note speech主题演讲 make a speech致辞 manual speech手势语 mobilization speech动员报告 opening speech开幕词 set speech事先准备好的演说 speech act言语行为 speech amplifier扩音机 speech articulation言语表达 speech center言语中枢 speech chain言语链 speech cognition言语认知 speech communication言语交际 speech community言语共同体 speech culture言语修养 speech defect语言缺陷 speech disorder语言失常 speech education语言教育 speech instruction言语教学 speech intelligibility言语可懂度 speech levels语言水平 speech mechanism言语机制 speech morphology语言形态 speech pattern言语模式 speech perception言语感受 speech psychology言语心理学 speech reading唇读法 speech recognition语音识别 speech situation语言环境 speech sounds语音 speech synthesis言语合成 speech therapy语言障碍矫正 speech training语言训练 televised speech电视讲话 thank-you speech答词 theatrical speech舞台语言 speechcraft n. 口才 speechful adj.健谈的 speechifier[ˈspi:tʃifaiə(r)]n.(滔滔不绝的)演说者 speechify v.演说,演讲 speechless adj.不能说话的 speechmaker n.演讲人,演说家 speechwriter n.演讲稿撰写者 |