upholdvt. support. sustain,maintain 支持,支撑,维护。 △ 1H.IV.1.2.217 (195):“I know you all,and will awhile uphold The unyoked humour of your idle-ness.”我看透你们所有这些人,我暂时支持你们这种没有约束的轻浮倾向。 △ H.V.5.2.296 (272): “as I will do yours.for upholding the nice fashion of your country in de-nying me a kiss;”我正要堵住你的嘴,因为你维护你们国家的这种谨小慎微的习俗而拒绝给我一吻。 △ 3H.VI.3.3.106:“while life upholds this arm,/ This arm upholds the house of Lancaster.” 只要生命还支撑着我这只胳膊,我这只胳膊就要支持兰开斯特家族。 uphold[ʌpˈhəuld]v.支持,维持,崇尚 ‖ uphold fist 架拳 uphold justice 伸张正义 uphold one fist and thumping the other in bow step 弓步架栽拳 uphold the principle of separating the functions of government from those of enterprises 坚持政企分开的原则 upholding palm 亮拳 upholder n.赞成者,支持者 |