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单词 set


1. setting,sunset下沉,日落。
△R.III.5.3.19:“Theweary sun hath made a golden set,”疲倦的太阳变成了金光四射的夕照。
set of sun: sunset日落。
△Mac.1.1.5:“That will beere the set of sun.”那就在太阳落山以前。
2. set of games (游戏的)一局,一盘。
△H.V.1.2.261:“When we have matched our rackets to these balls,We will in France,by God's grace,play a set”,等我把这些球配上网球拍子(双关:炮火声),我要到法兰西去,凭着上帝的恩典,跟他打上一局。
3. round (of the clock) (时钟走的)一圈(十二小时)。
△Oth.2.3.136(130): “He'll watch the horologe adouble set”,i.e. He will stay awake while the clockgoes round twice; for twenty-four hours,他可以睁大眼看时钟转上两圈(二十四小时不睡觉)。


a. conventional: artificial传统的;矫揉造作的。
△Tw.1.5.94(89):“these set kind of fools,”这种矫揉造作的小丑。


1. make to stand or sit使站,使坐。
△Lr.4.6.25 (24):“Set me where you stand.” 让我站在你站的那个地方。
2. place,put放置,放。
△Lr.3.7.68:“Upon these eyesof thine I'll set my foot.”我要把你这一双眼睛放在我的脚底下践踏。(又译:我要用脚踹掉你这双眼睛。)
△1H.VI.5.3.168 (169):“So farewell,Reignier! Set this diamondsafe / In golden palaces,as it becomes.”那么再见,瑞尼埃! 把你这颗掌上明珠,按照它的身价,安放在黄金宫殿里吧。
△ 2H.VI.1.2.39:“Where Henry and Dame Margaretkneeled to me / And on my head did set the diadem.”在那里,亨利和玛格利特向我下跪,并且把王冠放在我的头上。
△H.VIII.4.2.76:“Patience. be near me still,and setme lower; / I have not long to trouble thee.”忍耐(侍女名),不要离开我的身边,把我扶起来斜靠着;我不会麻烦你太久了。
3. dispose,arrange布置,安排。
△Oth.1.1.22: “That never set a squadron in the field,”他从来不曾带一支小部队上战场。
4. place in position布置上岗。
△Rom.3.3.147 (148):“But look thou stay not till the watch be set,”但是注意你不要待到守夜的人都上了岗。
5. appoint,send out; station,post指派,派出;(又解)派驻,派置。
△Lr.2.1.18 (16):“My father hath setguard to take my brother.”我的父亲已经派兵(又译:布置了人)要抓我的哥哥。
6. fix. determine确定,决定。
△2H.VI.4.1.139: “Andas for these whose ransom we have set,/ It is ourpleasure one of them depart;”至于这两个我们已经定下赎金的人,我允许一个人可以先离开。
7. place (one thing) in opposition (to another),com-pare使…与…相对,使…比较。
△2H.VI.4.10.50 (47):“Set limb to limb,and thou art far the lesser;”用四肢比四肢,你比我差得多。
8. place; tie up安置;缚牢。
△Lr.2.2.4:“Where maywe set our horses?”我们在哪儿安置我们的马匹(又译:拴马)?
9. send送。
△Lr.2.4.68 (67):“We'll set thee toschool to an ant,to teach thee there's no labouring i'the winter.” i.e.We'll send you to the ant's school,etc. (The ant lays up a store of food during the sum-mer,and will not work in winter when there is nofood to be had.)我们要送你去拜蚂蚁做老师,让你懂得在冬天是没有什么活可干的。(按:李尔既然倒了霉,跟随他的人自然就少了。)
10. clench (teeth)咬紧(牙齿)。
△H.V.3.1.15:“Nowset the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,”现在咬紧牙关,张大鼻孔。
11. stamp压印,打下(印记)。
△Tw.2.2.31 (30): “Inwomen's waxen hearts to set their forms!”在女人们蜡一般柔弱的心上留下他们的印象!
12. set store重视。
△Gent.1.2.79:“(Set) As little bysuch toys as may be possible”.i.e. set as little store bysuch trifles as possible. 对于这种玩意儿我压根儿就不看重。
13. treat. regard,estimate,value对待,看待,评价,估价。
△Ham.4.3.65 (62): “thou mayst not coldly set /Our sovereign process,”你不能冷淡对待我的训令。
14. plant栽种。
△Oth.1.3.326 (322):“set hyssop andweed up tine,”栽种牛膝草,除去莠草。
15. stake,risk以…打赌,拿…冒险。
△1H.IV.4.1.45:“Were it good / To set the exact wealth of allour states / All at one cast?”把我们所有的全部财富都孤注一掷,难道就算是好吗?
△1H.IV.4.1.47:“To set so richa main / On the nice hazard of one doubtful hour?”难道把这么一个豪注统统交给那变幻莫测的一小时赌博来决定输赢吗?
△Lr.1.1.125 (123): “and thought to set myrest”, stake my all本来想要孤注一掷。(按:set myrest又解作depend for my repose,“指望靠…颐养天年”。)
△Mac.3.1.112 (111):“So weary with disasters.tugged with fortune. / That I would set my life onany chance.”(我)对于灾难横逆和命运的虐待如此厌倦,我不惜拿性命作孤注一掷。
16.❶fit to music谱曲。
△Gent.1.2.78:“Give me a note,your ladyship can set.”给我指定一个音符吧,小姐您是会制谱的。(双关:给我 一张便笺吧,小姐您是会写的。)
~ vb. refl. posture oneself 使(自己)做出某种姿势。
△H.VIII.3.2.119(118): “In most strange postures /We have seen him set himself.”我们看见他做出了许多非常奇怪的姿态。
~ vi.
1. set forth,set out出发,动身。
△H.V.2.Cho.33:“The sum is paid,the traitors are agreed,/ The Kingis set from London.” i.e.The King has set out from London. 那笔贿款已经交付,叛贼们达成了一致意见,国王也从伦敦出发了。
2. write 写。
△2H.VI.4.2.99(88):“We took him set-ting of boys' copies.”我们抓住他的时候,他正给孩子们写习字帖。
3. stake,offer wagers at dice(打赌时)下注,(掷骰子时)出赌金。
△Lr.1.4.137(123): “Set less than thou thro-west;” 骰子多掷下注少。
Phrases :
set about: fall to,begin着手,开始。
△Tw.1.3.146(135):“Shall we set about some revels?”我们来发起一场热闹好不好?
set abroach: (originally used of a barrel of liquorpierced) set open,set flowing; set in action,set onfoot,incite(原指酒桶刺穿后)打开,使流出;(转义)发动,发起,挑动。
△Rom.1.1.110(104):“Who set this ancientquarrel new abroach?”i. e. Who started this old quarrel over again?是谁把这旧仇又重新挑起?
△R.III.1.3.325 (324):“The secret mischiefs that I set abroach / I lay unto the grievous charge of others.”我把由我自己暗中挑动起来的坏事设法转嫁成为别人的罪名。
set against: make an attack on 攻击。
△H.VIII.3.1.36: “Envy and base opinion set against ’em ( =them),”它们受到恶意和卑鄙流言的攻击。
set a match: (lit.) make an appointment,appoint ameeting; (thieves’ cant) arrange a meeting betweenhighwaymen and victims,plan a highway robbery,ar-range a hold-up (本义)约会;(盗贼的黑话)计划劫路,安排拦劫。
△1H.IV.1.2.118 (106): “Now shall we know if Gadshill have set a match.”现在我们可以知道盖兹山把一次劫路安排好了没有。
set aside: ❶ lay aside 把…放在一边。
△2H.IV.1.2.92(81): “Setting my knighthood and my soldiership aside,I had lied in my throat if I had said so.”把我的骑士身份和军人资格放在一边,我要是说过那样的话,我就是故意撒了个大谎。
❷ disregard 不顾。
setting aside: disregarding,except for 不顾,不管,要不是因为。
△ 1H.IV.3.3.136 (119): “and setting thy knighthood aside,thou art a knave to call me so.”要是不顾你的爵士身份,你这样骂我,你就是一个恶棍。
△1H.IV.3.3.138 (122): “Setting thy womanhood aside,thou art a beast to say otherwise.”要是不顾你是个妇道人家,你要不承认你是什么东西,你就是一个畜生。
❸ stop,leave off停止。
△1H.VI.3.1.92:“You of my household,leave this peevish broil,/ And set this unaccustomed fight aside.”我家这一边的人,都离开这场愚蠢的扭打,停止这场粗野的争斗。
set a-work: put into action. prompt 促使行动起来,激励。
△ Lr.3.5.8(7): “set a-work by a reprovable badness in himself.”被他自己的该受谴责的坏处激励起来。
set cock-a-hoop: set all by the ears; start a fight; start unlimited uproar; become reckless 使大家斗起来;挑起打架;惹出大乱子;无法无天。
△Rom.1.5.85 (81):“You will set cock-a-hoop! you’ll be the man!”你想惹出大乱子! 你要充好汉!
set down: ❶ write out,note down 写出,记下。
△Ham.2.2.574 (542): “which I would set down and insert in’t,”我想写出来插在戏里。
△Lr.3.7.48 (47):“I have a letter guessingly set down,”我有一封凭推测写下的信。
△Tw.4.2.121 (110): “and convey what I will set down to my lady.”把我写下的送给小姐。
❷ record 记录。
△Oth.5.2.341 (342): “nothing extenuate,/ Nor set down aught in malice.”既不必开脱,也不要恶意构陷。
△Mac.5.1.35 (32): “I will set down what comesfrom her,to satisfy my remembrance the morestrongly.”我要记下她说的话,以便更有力地证实我的记忆
△2H. IV.1.2.204 (178): “Do you set down yourname in the scroll of youth,”你还把你的名字登记在年青人的名册里吗?
❸ determine upon,fix,appoint,settle 决定,确定,指定,安排。
△Ham.3.1.178 (169):“Thus set itdown.”决定了这么一个办法。
△1H.IV.1.3.273: “butwhat I know / Is ruminated,plotted,and set down,”我所知道的这件事已经仔细考虑过、计划过而且决定了。
△R.III.3.4.42:“We have not yet set down this day of tri-umph.”我们还没有确定这个欢庆的日子在哪一天。
❹ settledown,compose (oneself) 使…安定下来,使(自己)平静下来。
△3H.VI.4.3.2: “The King by this is set him down to sleep.” i. e. The King by this time has settledhimself down to sleep. 这时候国王怕是已经安静下来想睡了。
set down before: lay siege to 包围,围攻。
△Mac.5.4.10 (9):“and will endure / Our setting down before’t.”i.e.allow us to besiege it. 等着我们去包围它。
set foot under one’s table: become a dependent 沦为…的食客,仰人鼻息。
△Shr.2. 1. 401:“in his waning age / Set foot under thy table.”在他衰老之年到你家去吃一口淡饭。
set forth: ❶ begin journey,start on a journey 出发,登程。
△1H.VI.4.4.10:“Here is Sir William Lucy,who with me/ Set from our o’ermatched forces forth for aid.”这位是威廉·路西爵士,我们一同从我们受到强大敌人压迫的部队那里前来求援。
❷ start on a march 开始行军。
△Lr.4.5.1: “But are my brother’s (i. e. Albany’s) powersset forth?”我姐夫的军队出动了吗?
△Lr.4.5.16: “Ourtroops set forth to-morrow,”我们的军队明天出发。
❸ dis-play,profess 表现,表示。
△Mac.1.4. 5: “That veryfrankly he confessed his treasons,/ Implored yourHighness’ pardon,and set forth / A deep repen-tance.”他坦白供认了叛国的罪状,恳求陛下的宽恕,并且表示了深切的悔恨。
❹ (a)serve up at table 端上饭菜。(b) praisehighly 赞美,恭维。
△Mer.3.5.96 (90):“Well,I’ll setyou forth.” 好吧,我就来恭维你。(双关)
set forward: start on a journey. set out 起程,出发。
△ 1H.IV.2.3.32 (28): “and are they not some of them set forward already?”而且他们当中有些人已经出发了吗?
set ... heart at rest: give up that notion 死了心吧,别打那个主意了。
△Mid.2.1.121:“Set your heart at rest:”你就死了心吧。
set in one’s staff: take up one’s residence here (with a bawdy innuendo) 在这里住下(含有猥亵暗示)。
△Com.3.1.51:“Shall I set in my staff?”可否让我进去舒服舒服? set nothing by: regard as nothing,think nothing of 不当一回事。
△Tw.5.1.195 (191):“I think you set nothing by a bloody coxcomb.”我想你以为满头流血可以不算回事。
set off: ❶ put aside,disregard,ignore,acquit,put out of consideration,remove 把…放在一边,不顾,不理,宣告无罪,对…不予考虑,除去。
△ 2H.IV.4.1.145 (143):“everything set off / That might so much as think you enemies.”凡是足以把你们当做敌人看待的一切都不予追究了。
△1H.IV.5.1.88:“This present enterprise set off his head,”i. e. if we disregard his responsibility for this present rebellion: if we do not reckon this rebellion to his account. 如果这一场叛乱不算在他的账上。
❷ set in re-lief,make prominent or conspicuous by contrast,show up to the best advantage 使得对比鲜明,通过对比使得…突出或明显,最有效地显露。
△ 2H.IV.1.2.13 (12):“Ifthe Prince put thee into my service for any other rea-son than to set me off,why then I have no judge-ment.”太子派你来伺候我,如果不是为了跟我作一个鲜明对比,那就算我什么事都不懂。
set on: ❶ set forth,start on one’s way,begin a journey 动身,启程,登程。
△H.VIII. 2. 4.238 (241): “Break up the court; / I say,set on.”解散法庭;我说,请走吧。
❷proceed,go forward,set out,march 前进,出发,进军。
△2H.IV.1.3.109: “Shall we go draw our numbers and set on?”我们要不要把我们的军队集合起来出发?
△1H.IV.5.2.96:“Now,Esperance! Percy! And seton. ”好,希望! 波西! 出发吧。
△2H.IV.5.5.77 (72):“Set on.”前进。
△H.V.5.Cho.13:“So let him land,And solemnly see him set on to London.”那么就让他登陆吧,再看着他仪式隆重地向伦敦进发。
❸fall on,make an


pa. p.
1. seated坐下,坐着。
△Gent.2.1.95 (85): “I would you were set,so your affection would cease.”我希望您坐下来,爱情就会终止了。
△H.VIII.3.1.73 (74): “I wasset at work / Among my maids.”我刚才还坐这里跟我的侍女们在一起做活儿。
2. seated. placed in position 就坐.就位。
△1H.IV.2.4.488 (438):“Well,here I am set.”好,我在这里就位。
3. sunk below the horizon (as in“the sun sets”); dimmed by drink; closed沉落;(转义)醉眼朦胧;闭住。
△Tw.5.1.206(198): “O,he's drunk,Sir Toby,anhour agone: his eyes were set at eight i'the morn-ing.”啊,他在一个钟头之前喝醉了,托比爵士;他的眼睛在早晨8点钟就眯缝上了。
4. ❶seated使就坐。
❷set like a jewel(像宝石一般)被镶嵌。
△R.III.5.3. 251 (250):“A base foul stone,madeprecious by the foil / Of England's chair,where he isfalsely set;”一块低劣、无价值的石头,靠着他非法坐上的英国王位的衬托,才显得珍贵。




v.安置,固定,配置,装置,放,移动到,定向,分组,指定,制定,凝固 n.全套,装置,设备集合,倾向,姿势,定势adj. 固定的,规定的
◇ be hard set凝固
be in one’s ways固执
be set for准备
be set in发生在
set about sb.攻击某人
set a course规定航向
set against从…扣除
set a record创纪录
set aside time安排时间
set down着陆
set forth起程,阐明
set into orbit进入轨道
set off开始,抵消,冲账
set on定位,安置,确定
set on sb.攻击某人
set one’s hand to a document在单证上签字
set sb. against sb.使某人反感
set sb.back sth.使某人花费
set sb. up使某人健康活跃
set sth. aside将某物放在一边
Set the anchor mooring watch!抛锚值更! / Set the anchor watch!抛锚值更! /set the heading对正航向
set to精力充沛
set up计划,安装,装配,调整
set up an account立账
‖ 5-sets match五局制比赛(胜三局者获胜)/abstract set非实体布景
model set布景模特
modelled set造型装饰,模型布景
set a good example and perform duties honestly以身作则,廉洁奉公
set a grade定级
set a minimum保底
set a new time limit for tax payment限期缴纳
set a price定价
set a trap暗设陷阱
set a wall筑人墙
set all平局
set bill of letter整套提单
set books考试指定的参考书
set bounds to限量
set designer布景师
set exercise规定动作
set five points再赛五分
set foot in涉足
set free释放
set function集合函数
set lost负局
set man固定中锋
set menu套餐
set of account整套账簿
set of all natural numbers自然数集
set of bills同组票据,成套汇票,联单汇票
set of coordinates坐标系
set of duplicate documents全套单据
set of exchange联单汇票
set of exchange bills成套汇票
set of points点集合
set of prices价格体系
set of statistical data统计资料汇总
set off receipts against expenditures以收入抵支出
set offence固定进攻法,阵地进攻法
set on fire纵火
set one party against another离间
set pass二传
set people thinking发人深省
set phrase固定词组
set point固定点,局点,盘点,一盘中的决胜分
set position立定姿势,侧身投球姿势
set press技术推举
set price固定价格
set pyramid一组叠罗汉动作
set reading指定考试参考书
set sail起航
set sb. up for screen使某队员作为掩护
set serum密集争球
set shoot贴刃射门
set shot原地投篮
set terms固定词语
set the pace掌握进攻节奏
set the terms of payment指定支付条款
set theory集合论
set things right拨乱反正
set time固定时间
set trigger待触发扳机
set to rights what has been thrown into disorder拨乱反正
set two points再赛两分
set up a clique for one’s own selfish interests植党营私
set up a company办公司
set up a separatist regime by force of arms割据
set up a stall along the street or in a market摆摊
set up a temporary stall摆地摊
set up an offence组织进攻
set wage固定工资
set won胜局
set wrong to rights拨乱反正
◇ suffer a setbacks遭受挫折,失利
suffer a serious setback遭到严重挫败
setback action后弹力作用
setoff n.衬托物,装饰品
setout n.装饰,布置,陈列
set-shot attack原地投篮进攻战术
set-theoretical entity集合论实体
set-theoretical notation集论记号
set-theoretical predicate集合论谓词
setting a good example of作表率
slide set幻灯设备
TV set电视机
setting designer布景设计人
setting down left foot and swinging right elbow落步右拐肘
setting down the option price期权价格制定
setting drawing装置图
setting-into-work of truth置入真理的作品
setting out of game对弈开始
setting quotas确定定额
setting quotas for subsidies定额补贴
setting sail起航
setting the pace掌握进攻节奏
setting-up cost生产准备成本
setting-up exercise健身操
setting-up exercise done to broadcast music广播操
setting-up exercise to radio music广播操
setting-up expenses(开业)准备费用
setting-up pass间接传球
setting-up time生产准备时间
setter n.二传
setup n.摄影机位置,道具,姿势





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