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单词 tuck
释义 tuck /tAk; tAk/ n 1 [C] flat, stitched fold of material in a garment, for shortening or for ornament: (衣服的) 裕; 榈:裳: make/put in/take out a ~ in a dress/the sleeve of a shirt. 在女服 (衬衫袖) 上打裙 (加福,去褶) 。 2 [U] (GB, sl) food, esp the cakes, pastry, etc that children enjoy. (英,俚) 食物; (尤指儿童喜吃的) 糕饼、点心等。 '~shop n shop (esp at a school) where ~ is sold. (尤指学校里的) 点心店; 精果店。 vr, vi 1 [VP15A, B] draw together into a small space; put or push into a desired or convenient position: 缩拢:萝折; 声起; 打折栏; 塞在或放在所要的或方便的地方: ~ e's shirt in, put the bottom of it inside one's trousers, etc. 将衬衣底部塞入裤内。 She ~ed the ends of her hair into her bathing-cap. 她把头发的末端噫进游泳帕中。 He sat with his legs ~ed up under him. 袍跪坐着。 The bird ~ed its head under its wing. 那鸟 JE 头缩藏在翼下。 The map is ~ed away in a pocket at the end of the book. 那地图藏在该书后商的小袋中。 She ~ed the child up in bed, pulled the bed-clothes up round the child and under the mattress. 她为那孩子盖好被子并且把被子的边缘塞在垫褥下面。 She took off her shoes, ~ed up (= rolled or turned up) her skirt, and waded across the stream. 她脱去鞋子,卷起裙子,涉过小河。 2 [VP2C, 3A] ~ in, eat heartily. 大吃; 尽情地吃。 ~ into sth. eat it heartily: 大吃; 部情地吃: He ~ed into the cold ham. 他矢吃再火腿。 rin n full meal: 盛离; 睡宴: The boys had a good ~-in. 男孩子们享受了一顿盛餐。




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