释义 |
曾几何时céng jǐ hé shíbefore long; it was not(/did not take) long before; it has not been long since then; not long after (wards); not long since;not many years have passed; shortly after; within a very short time ❍ 事实不为轻薄阴险小儿留情,曾几何年,他们就都已烟消火灭,然而未名社的译作,在文苑里却至今没有枯死的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—74) Meanwhile history has not spared those small-minded cynics:though not many years have passed they have all disappeared,while the translations of the Wei-ming Press have not yet withered in our garden of liter ature. ❍ 先前想不到后来,曾经对于吴友如先生辈颇说过的几句蹊跷话,不料~,即须自己出丑了,……(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·后记》107)Lacking foresight I commented disrespectfully on Mr. Wu Youru and his confreres,little thinking I should have to make a fool of myself so shortly after. 曾几何时cénɡ jǐ hé shí曾:曾经;几何:多少。形容过去没有多久。not long after, before long, shortly after |