❷pass through;get past; traverse; cross
❸by means of;by way of;by;through
决议未经表决获得~。The resolution was adopted without vote./提案被一致~。The motion was carried unanimously./议案没有被~。The bill did not get through./代表们~大厅进入会场。The delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby./一慢二看三~。Pay attention to traffic safety: slow down,look around and then go ahead./由于一个常任理事国投票反对,提案未获~。The draft resolution is not carried owing to the negative vote of a permanent member./鼓掌~adoption by acclamation;approval by acclamation/协商一致~adoption by consensus/案文的~adoption of the text/以全票~ be carried or adopted unanimously/以压倒多数~be passed by an overwhelming majority/没有~论文答辩fail in the oral defence of one’s dissertation;flunk one’s oral defence/一读~adopted on first reading/威胁要不惜牺牲安理会的团结~草案threaten to ram through the draft resolution even at the cost of Security Council unity/草率~ railroad through/使议案在国会草率~railroad a bill through congress /~考试择优录取enlist those who have done well in examination/~议程adoption of agenda/~的议程approved agenda /~谈判解决争端settle a dispute through negotiations/~协商达到一致reach unanimity(or a consensus)through consultation /~中国领土的自由freedom of transit through Chinese territory/~第三国的权利right of passage through a third country/~外交途径through diplomatic channel /~途径送达文书service of documents using the diplomatic channels