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单词 tumble
释义 tumble /'tAmbl; 'tAmbl/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] fall, esp quickly or violently: 跌倒; 跌落 (尤指快速或猛烈地 j: ~ down the stairs/off a horse or bicycle/ out Of a window/over the roots of a tree. 从楼梯跌下 (从马或脚踏车上跌下; 从窗子捧落; 为树根绊倒) 。 The baby is just learning to walk and he's always tumbling over. 那婴儿正在学步,常常跌倒。 2 [VP2A, C] move up and down, to and fro, in a restless or disorderly way: 浪动; 辗博; 不安地或紊乱地行动: The puppies were tumbling about on the floor. 小狗在地危上打滚。 The sick man tossed and ~d in his bed. 那病人在床上 (8 转反侧。 I was so tired that I threw my clothes off and ~d into bed. 我疲倦得把衣服一脱就上床睡觉了。 3 [VP2C] be in a weak state (as if ready to fall): 衰弱; 弱不禁风 (似将随时倾倒): The old barn is tumbling to pieces. 那陈旧的谷仓似将倾塌。 ' ~- down attrib adj dilapidated; Hkely to collapse: 破烂的; 似要坍塌的; 可能倒塌的: What a ~-dow” old house you live in! 标住的房子多械旧呵! 4 [VP15A, B] cause to fall; upset: 使跌倒; 使跌落; 夜倾覆: The accident ~d us all out of the bus. 那车祸把我们从公共汽车里全棒了出来。 5 [VP6A] put into a state of disorder: 使紊乱; 弄觥; 扰乱: ~ one's bed-clothes/sb's hair or clothes. 弄乱床单被褥 (某人的头发或衣服) 。 6 [VP3A] ~ to sth, (colloq) grasp, realize (an idea, etc) : (俗) 领悟; 了解 (观念等): At last he ~d to what I was hinting at. 他终于明白了我暗示给他的意思。 n [C] 1 fall: 跌倒; 捧落: have a nasty ~. 重重地跌了一交。 2 confused state: 混乱 (快态): Things were all in a ~. 局势很混乱。 '~-weed n (US) plant which grows in desert areas and, when withered, breaks off and is rolled about by the wind. (美) 野竟 (长于沙漠地区,枯干后断落,随风滚动) 。




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