释义 |
scamblingn. scrambling with others in a crowd forsomething,rough struggle,fighting抢夺,粗暴争斗,战斗。 △H.V.5.2.214(203):“If ever thou beest mine, Kate,as I have a saving faith within me tells me thoushalt,I get thee with scambling,”如果你终于成了我的人,凯蒂,——因为我在内心里有一种定能得救的信念告诉我:你一定会属于我,——我是经过争战才得到你的。
scamblingp. a. 1. scrambling,scuffling,contentious,turbulent,unruly,disordered争夺的,扭打的,争吵的,骚动的,难控制的,混乱的。 △H.V.1.1.4: “But that the scambling and un-quiet time / Did push it out of farther question.”(Be-cause of civil disorders,a bill proposed by Lollardlords to dispossess the clergy was withdrawn fromParliament in 1413.) 若不是当时那种骚动不安的局势搅得这项议案未能进一步讨论的话。 2. contentious,argumentative,roistering,noisy好争吵的,爱争辩的,闹闹嚷嚷的。 △Ado.5.1.94:“Scambling,out-facing,fashion-monging boys,”吵吵嚷嚷、厚脸没皮、追逐时髦的男孩子们。 |